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Everything posted by gibsonfan159

  1. I think the argument is less about the jaywalking and more about just how safe and reliable AV's are at this point. The vehicle made no attempt to brake? So they were testing it without the appropriate sensors? I think the state should be responsible for allowing the vehicle on the road. Shouldn't they be testing sensors and safety features first before rolling down the highway with one? People saying this technology is ready to roll out within ten years are full of shitake.
  2. I'm not taking sides here, but I think the U.S. actually is a little more unique. It's a nation built entirely upon immigration with a more diverse culture and population than any other. Throw in centuries of systematic racism and you have a hotbed for violence and dissension. Also a prison system that is used to continue the cycle of creating degenerates that will also go to prison so prison jobs will be stable. I'm surprised the U.S. has made it this long without another major conflict. Autonomous vehicles might cause that conflict lol.
  3. It should be noted that there was a human driver behind the wheel, so what happened might have happened regardless of the autonomous factor. But then you have to think that the driver probably wasn't engaged in the driving the same way they would've been if actually driving. So in a way, it's distracted driving. Or is it? Another hole in the "Who's responsible" argument.
  4. Please God let Roy Williams' contract end.
  5. Threw on the old original vinyl of TSRTS soundtrack. I gotta say, I think it's a better live album than HTWWW. Apart from having superior versions of most songs, it just sounds more "live" to me. Even though both albums are spliced to hell and back. I do prefer WLL from HTWWW though.
  6. The Heels don't have a real chance. Just hope it's not Kentucky or Duke this year.
  7. It should be pointed out that whenever someone complains about American consumerism, they usually skip the part where the U.S. is still by far the wealthiest nation in the world, with a military ten times larger than the next biggest. We produce so much food we have to throw half of it away. All these things tie in to why we usually lead the world with innovation and manufacturing. Don't even mention China when their economy depends mostly on us buying their plastic shit. To stay on topic, autonomous vehicles, if possible, will be possible due to consumerism. Most successful societies are consumer based.
  8. Yet, Japan is extremely progressive. What exactly are you dissatisfied with in the U.S.?
  9. It's ...really not. Everything is still in early testing phases and there are still major problems that aren't close to being worked out. Everything is speculation as of now. You know, jet packs were supposed to be flying us around by 1980.
  10. I'll have to let you have the last word on that because we know the thread will get locked lol.
  11. It doesn't help that every attempt by the educated, progressive people in the U.S. gets shot down by people wanting to make America segregated...I mean great again. "Science is bad, mmmkay!" Sorry, off topic.
  12. Out of the 426 HP, how much have you used? Lol. I can't talk though, I recently upped my engine size so I can zoom past the four-cylinders on steep inclines. It's nice to have some extra kick when you need it.
  13. Can anyone even find the digital pre-order? I can't. Amazon's app isn't even showing the album.
  14. I saw that, but he doesn't really mention anything about the newly remastered sound or makes any comparisons to the original. Maybe he's giving it a thorough listen first.
  15. So Dave Lewis mentioned he got an advanced copy, but didn't give any info on the remaster. Hope that's not a bad sign.
  16. Then you have the problem of obstacles in the road. If a handicapped person is in one that stops due to a small tree branch in the road, do they just have to wait til someone comes and clears it? Does the car stop for any size animal crossing the road? Turtles? Birds? Mice? Also a problem that the supporters don't like to talk about- parking lots. Sure, they navigate a highway fine right now, but there is still no progress on coordinating multiple cars in a tight parking space.
  17. Can you imagine the constant updates and downloads that would need to take place before you could even start the damn car? Let's not talk about your car having a blue screen Windows OS crash lol.
  18. Got a little mixed up there. I meant performance, but thought if it was ever released with better quality it would blow everything else away.
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