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Everything posted by gibsonfan159

  1. Do you think they'll ever be fully implemented in society or just on a small scale? Is it something you'd be glad about or would you be against any changes for driving? I think the whole liability issue will prevent them from being fully implemented. You're not going to be able to sleep or read a book while the car drives you like a lot of people think. You'll still need to be prepared to take over manually in case something goes wrong. That's gonna create a giant gray area for whose ultimately responsible for the vehicle. The driver or computer?
  2. I'm not sure about 77, but in the audience sources from 75 Page's overdrive is much dirtier compared to the soundboards. My guess is that he was using an effect for overdrive which wasn't coming through on the soundboard line. This happened in 73 as well, like on the "Tympani for the Butter Queen" boot. It's very dry and twangy.
  3. Geez. What constitutes a "great" singer? I think as a rock vocalist, he was almost untouchable up to 72. Plant's voice certainly changed for better or worse, but he was absolutely still a great singer in my opinion. Once his voice smoothed out some in 77 and he learned how to sing accurately at a lower register, he was just as good as anyone else. It's not like he was singing out of key.
  4. Could this be the quintessential Zeppelin boot? The more I listen to it the more I think so. I love the 71 tour, but the ferocity they play with here is something else.
  5. You're right, I'm thinking more around 79/80.
  6. I made a subjective observation about a celebrity and people act like I called their momma fat. I posted a few photos as examples to show how Bonham seemed to be an old soul type of person who often seemed to be in deep thought and worrisome in a lot of photos. They weren't meant to stand up in court as some type of evidence for something I'm accusing the drummer from Led Zeppelin of. I even said that there were many more photos of him smiling. Unwad thy panties, folks. Don't worry, I'll consult my attorneys before I make another observation about a rock band.
  7. The footage of him at home on TSRTS always kinda blows my mind. He looked like a completely different person. It's no secret he absolutely hated being away from home while touring.
  8. Isn't it strange that there aren't any samples from this yet? I mean, the album is done and ready to roll out, you'd think there would be some songs released to promote it a little.
  9. Then you have Sam Smith being sued by Tom Petty for a progression that is much, much less distinctive than Stairway vs Taurus. So one has to wonder if it's just money that does the talking.
  10. I think the word "Obligation" is much more central to Zep's career than people realize, especially after 73. I know we all like to believe that the band were just meant to be and untouchable throughout their career, but I imagine these individuals struggled hard to keep the Zep train rolling. For someone like myself, born in 82 and discovering Zep in the early 90s, I always thought they were giants until Bonham's death. Then I realized as I studied the band's history more that they were "Dinosaurs" by 75. So looking back, all the members were working really hard to make the best of the machine that was Led Zeppelin, up until 1980.
  11. The only way Spirit will get anything out of this is if Page flat-out admits to jacking the riff. Even if Page was inspired by it, he still changed it up to where there's no grounds for copyright whatsoever.
  12. It'll be exactly the same as the 02 show, but with the guitars a little louder in the mix.
  13. When browsing through the thousands of Led Zeppelin photos through different sorts of media, I've noticed something peculiar about Bonzo- The very worried look in his eyes in many pictures. Sure, there are many more pictures of him with a beaming smile on his face, but none of the other members of the group seemed to have that very worried, old-soul look on their face at times. Maybe it ties into the fact that John also looked like he was 40 when he was 20. Sometimes I wonder if he didn't have bouts of bi-polar depression, as most pics either have him happier than anyone or looking very worried. Factor in the constant weight fluctuations over the years and heavy drinking and it almost adds up. Here are a few of those pics I've noticed.
  14. Although I've seen the show many times I just got my copy of the DVD this morning and watched the first half. I suppose it's kosher for Zeppelin during 1977, but it's certainly not a great performance. Page is meh and Plant's voice is on and off, but that's Led Zeppelin post 72. BTW, that's one of the worst SIBLY's I've heard and that's a song they almost always nail. Bonzo is playing great though. Still, I'm grateful to have anything by them on video.
  15. From all the editing I've read about from the previous live releases, Page would need at least three multi tracked shows to splice from. TSRTS- He had the three shows in MSG. HTWWW- Three shows in California. Can we assume he has the entire six night run in LA for 77 and is splicing the shit out of it as we speak? I'm going to assume...for ten more years.
  16. Robert and Jimmy are polar opposites when it comes to Zep. I've noticed in many recent interviews that Robert really isn't keen on talking about Zep's glory days. I think he wants to look at Zep as just a small cog in his musical career instead of the monolith it was and doesn't want to be tied down as "the singer for Led Zeppelin". He seems to be the type that is always in a state of change and constant musical progression. He's also a very modest person considering his success, and I think sitting around bragging about groupies and drugs during the seventies doesn't suit him much. Jimmy on the other hand, will talk endlessly in great detail about the history of the band, to the point to where it gets kind of boring. I think that's because Zep was his baby. He put the band together and guided it's musical direction. Whereas the other mebers, while certainly contributing heavily and pulling their weight, still seemed to be along for the ride. Page also hasn't had the illustrious solo career Plant has, so it's not like he's got a lot more to keep himself occupied professionally. I suppose that's why he's delved into remastering and digging up old outtakes and such.
  17. I know it's all preference, but Plant's voice post 73 just sounds monotone and lacking in character. He was having to sing from his stomach instead of his throat, which, to me, gave him a straining approach. I don't know, Plant just wasn't Plant after 73 to me. I'm picky I guess. Edit: I should clarify, I think Plant sounded fine on the studio stuff after 73. It's just his attempt to sing live where he sounds like he's straining.
  18. Look at this person, downloading all legally and stuff.
  19. I wonder if since it was a radio show if they made him turn down a bit? Jimmy's overdrive was usually pretty thick around this time, but if they wouldn't let him crank his amp up, it would've thinned his tone.
  20. Zep's history is so expansive I can still find stuff I've never heard before after 25 years.
  21. The 71 U.K. shows might stand up to Japan if the recordings were decent. The Wembley Empire Pool show has one of the best Stairway solos, but man is that recording bad.
  22. I compared those with the original and couldn't hear any difference at all.
  23. Hey, I have that guitar! Mine's an '02. Do you have the original pickups in it? I'm so glad you made this because this is one of the songs by them I've refused to learn, maybe because it intimidates the heck out of me. I think I'll give it a go now.
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