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Everything posted by Rabbit

  1. I went with two friends from Long Branch (NJ). We had seen LZ at Convention Hall in Asbury Park just a couple months before, while everybody we knew was trying to get to Woodstock. Through a long and weird series of events I got separated from my friends, walked right up the the stage and placed a brown-bagged bottle of wine in front of Jimmy Page as he was sitting down playing White Summer; Robert Plant saw me from the wings, waved me over to a side door. I assumed Carnegie Hall Security was on the way, but as it turned out Robert was just a friendly guy, said "Come on back." I watched the rest of the first show from the wings, went back to the dressing with them all after. It was a remarkable show, as had been the Asbury Park show, the greatest band on earth playing as if they intended to prove it to every last soul in the audience.
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