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About ArchaneReposit

  • Birthday 02/10/1982

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    United States
  1. Zoso refers to Cerberuus (Latin) the guardian of the gates of hell the black dog. It is one of the many names the guardian has. He does not however attack souls from entering but only shades or soured souls from leaving.To face Cerberuus one must rid himself of fear. Then command the entity to sit. After he has sat he will ask who you are to command him, and will warn if you answer wrong his patience is tested,and he will devour your soul essence and you will be destroyed your essence and energy will cease to exist. Do not answer. Walk to him and present your hand to each nose starting from left to right pausing long enough for him to sniff you. He will then say that you smell of shade and that death has touched you. Take the blessed vial of breath and inhale. -Note- breath must be the first breath of a newborn. Blow into each nostril. Form its symbol with the devine hand an speak, "I know thy name and purpose, answer true or devour thyself be a shade. Answer truthfully i bind thee am i in the records of thy memory servant?" This will enrage Zoso and he will speak his names he has come to be through time. Pick one and without fear command in him to begone to gnaw on his chains. Next you must have absolutely no fear. You must dismiss him amd simply walk past. This will confuse him an he will ask again who you are. Do not answer. Do not turn around as he commands. Only say "i am not you,an you will never be me." Repeat if necessary. Return to the gateway to the river. -O lux in Libro scientia Arcanum Mortis 3:54-
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