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    Village of Slack

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  1. What a dirty fucker that one! People can really suck. I would have immediately called animal control. They would have come out, taken the dogs, quarantined them for Rabies, and then likely destroyed them. Problem is, there are no bad dogs unless they have a genetic defect, otherwise, its a bad owner. Pit bulls are no more dangerous than any other breed unless they are trained to be aggressive. The problem is, due to the rep Pits have, 90% of Pit owners are assholes who want a killer dog because they want to be "hard." IMO, the dogs should be shipped off to shelter which specializes in such cases and the owner should be destroyed since he caused all of this mess. Fun Fact told to me by a woman who runs a rescue: When dogs are fighting each other or attacking a human, the best way to stop the attack and disengage the dog is to come up behind the dog, grab its hind legs and jerk. All dogs have a natural instinct to flee when this happens, even trained Pits. Of course that is no easy task when a dog is attacking but if you can get behind Fido, grab legs and pull.
  2. That's a pic of him after spotting a Jewish woman on the street
  3. Is that Chairman Mao's corpse?
  4. Damn it man, you just made me watch The Exorcist! I have watched that movie at least 15 times over the years but this time I was watching for the composition, the editing, cinematography, etc. This really is a great film, just a beautifully shot movie. The way the film itself was shot, and the actual film stock from that era is just so warm and deep. I really miss the way film looked and was shot in the late 60's-mid 70's. Those movies were art in motion.
  5. You are too funny Reids, a literal caricature if you will. That's why we love ya buddy 🤪
  6. WOW! Looks like someone needs to take their own advice.
  7. "What they didn't know was once they got him to talk he wouldn't STF up!"
  8. Be careful about the deed on the house because as you stated, if the home is paid off but she is behind on taxes or anything else, you would then be on the hook as joint tenancy w right of survivorship has the property go to you upon death. Or if she has a reverse mortgage that could be a real nightmare. I would suggest to her if she wants her home to go to something after her passing she pick a local charity or church and will the property to them. She sounds like a very sweet lady but god knows what her prior POA was doing. I would immediately do a title search on the home plus check the tax records and find out if she has an outstanding mortgage or other encumbrances upon the home. I would not be surprised if the prior POA took out a home equity line of credit or some other scandalous nonsense.
  9. Alright, now you call adult protective services, slip the caseworker a Benjamin and have her declared mentally unsound. Then seize her banking funds, sell her house, and toss her into some fleabag state run facility. WINNING!!!!! Just kidding. You're a good man Red, the world needs more people like you willing to step up and protect the vulnerable. This world can be a cold place and there are shitbirds with zero empathy or conscience willing to screw over the most vulnerable among us and not lose a single night sleep. It reminds me of the scene in Ozark where Ruth visits her dad in prison. Ruth does not want to kill Marty but her father tells her there are different species of humans and it is only natural for the smart and strong to kill the weak and stupid. This is how scumbags rationalize their dealings.
  10. This is the nonsense I speak of. The solution here is simple, get her into a mental treatment facility, get her stable, and if she has no family find her a group home. This actually saves money in the long-term over this band-aid shit they keep doing. Hawaii does this with their homeless and it has saved the state millions. Now those jerkoffs who are perfectly fine can kiss my ass! Get a job! When I was younger and was short on cash you know what I did not buy? I did not buy alcohol, I did not go out with the ladies or my friends, I did not buy anything I did not need to survive. You suck it up until you can afford those luxuries. If you are sane and physically capable you need to take care of yourself and not expect others to supplement your unnecessary bullshit. I remember this time when a very healthy, very in shape (dude was pretty buff), guy of around 25 was panhandling and asked me for money. This guy's hair was immaculately groomed but the guy was wearing hobo clothes with the exception of a new pair of Nike's. Told him to F-off and when he said I was a heartless prick I told him if he is gonna beg for money, best not be wearing a $150 pair of new Nike's and sporting a $60 haircut. Guy huffed and walked away. Just another lazy scam artist.
  11. and on that topic, damn does it piss me off to see people all tattoo'ed up complaining they have no money and begging for cash. WTF? One of those tat's cost several hundred clams, you're covered in them, and you have the balls to ask for loot? FFS, if you are healthy enough to get those tat's, you are healthy enough to get a JOB. See, that's the conservative in me poking out.
  12. Well, thank god the Russians never meddled in our elections or 100% supported Trump...what, wait? Um, the Russians themselves actually...uh oh: Russia Airs Its Ultimate ‘Revenge Plan’ for America (msn.com)
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