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  1. Obviously the music is foremost and forefront. What can you say? It's flawless and incredible. I think most of us come here for the music. But I think the mysterious/mystical/occult aspect of the band also drew a ton of people in and is in a way just as important as the music. You had the 70's, no twitter or instagram, no instant updates, all the crazy tour stories had a mythical aspect to them, friends told you they did this or that on tour, or Jimmy or Robert said what???? And it was endless questions with no answer available: Whether it be the Crowley references on the actual record of LZ3, or who the hell is that guy on the cover of Zoso and what does it mean? Why is there that bearded guy with a lantern? Why is Stairway the only song with lyrics printed and who's that guy reading a book in the liner notes? Why did Jimmy have references to astrology on his pants on tour? Did they really backmask the music? These types of questions and the answers to them are almost irrevalant, part of what made Zeppelin, well, ZEPPELIN was their larger than life characters, the odd Norse mythology lyrics of Robert, the references to Tolkien thrown in, and the occult all played a part. I dont think Zeppelin would be who they are without this aspect of the band. Back in the day you didnt have google to figure out any of it, you'd just lay on your back with headphones listening to LZIV and burn a candle ala Almost Famous pouring over the album art for hours. The music is the music. Its why they matter. But the mystical aspects of the operation they ran were actually genius. Did that part of LZ draw you in?
  2. He's been shy or private about it his entire life pretty much. A quote here or there, but overall never an in-depth discussion of it. Probably alot of it is ignorant interviewers who ask him "So you were in a Satanic cult, right?" or something like that. But watch his response when that girl asks him about The Golden Dawn not too long ago at Oxford Union. His entire face lights up and he can barely get the words out he's so excited. He doesnt say a ton though. It clearly was and maybe still is a huge part of his life. Was it JPJ or Jimmy himself who said something like "that was my entire existence" in 1973 or something? You get him discussing it briefly at Oxford and that OTO shirt he wore 20 years ago, and thats about it nowadays. Usually its just "yeah I was exploring different things back then and explored it and was interested". Do you think he will ever write a book or grant an interview with some occult organization where its the actual focus of the discussion? If it was approached in a respectful, interested to hear him discuss these things, manner do you think he'd oblige and expand greater into the topics?
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