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custard pie man

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Posts posted by custard pie man

  1. 11 hours ago, Plant77 said:

    That’s not actually accurate. I want to start this off by saying I am a life long A’s fan, since 1981, season ticket holder, and was lucky enough to throw out the first pitch in 1990 against the Yankees in front of 45k televised. I mention that, because I am as much an A’s fan as I am a Zeppelin fan. Or close at least. While I’m no fan of the Red Sox, and border on hating them, David didn’t test positive one time during actual testing which was from 2004 onward. He did in fact get called out in the Mitchell report, and it was an unconfirmed test, for an unconfirmed substance. Having said that, he along with all of the majors was tested through 2004 until his retirement. Now as far as what type of player he was, he played almost the same amount of games that Edgar Martinez played in the field, and he was and is a far superior hitter than Edgar. It’s not even close. Again, I’m not a Red Sox fan. But as a left handed dominating 3-4 hole hitter, he is as good as it gets, 10 times of over 30 homers, 10 time of over a 100 driven in, including his last year which consisted of  48 doubles, which lead the league, 37 HR’s and a league leading 127 RBI’s driven in his last year of playing at 40 years of age while having an OBP of over 400. He finished with 250 more homers than Edgar, 500 RBI’s, over a hundred more doubles, and was the catalyst and MVP in World Series wins. 

    Im not trying to be rude, I consider myself a baseball historian of sorts, that guy was a beast. And it was and is way to easy for generations of the past, to pass judgment on the players of today, or not of their generation. Athletes are bigger, faster, stronger, more prepared and devoted than any time in history. 

    It is also far to easy for people to pass off steroids as an easy out for not voting, or as an act of cheating. How about pre 1965 all players were white basically. You had a few players in the league of color. That means they were not competing against the best talent available. Yes I know when Jackie Robinson came into the league. But it was a slow roll out, hell the Yankees and Sox were way late to the party on black players, let alone players of color. So I can argue that Babe, Joe D, and Stan Musial we’re not facing the best talent available so their stats are in need of an asterisk. As a matter of fact, when those players would barn storm against players of color, they got their asses handed to to them. Routinely. 

    I’ll take it one step forward, there were coffee pots of leaded and unleaded up until the 1980’s. They had amphetamines that were being passed out. That is a stimulant. In Babes day, there was amphetamines, as well as cocaine, and he faced 7 other teams with 4 pitchers on the staff. He didn’t face 5 man rotations, with lefty and right specialists coming out of the bullpen throwing a 100 mph splitter with a 75mph change up. My point is this, we can’t be so quick to judge, I can make a case for a bunch of players that should not be in the hall from all eras, but Baseball is still the gold standard as far as getting into the best of the best. The 1% of the league. And in my opinion, the DH is a position, guys like Paul Molitor, Eddie Murray, Dave Winfield, and Frank Thomas were all aided by the DH and made the Hall. The list is far more actually. He was not a guy that stuck around and piled on stats to make his case like countless others. Just for fun go look at his last year in the league. It’s crazy dominant. All of this is just my opinion of course.


    admire you threw out first pitch, wow, must of been a tremendous honor, i'm a little confused trying to follow, are you saying that guys who cheated should be allowed into the hall? I am dead against that and all it does is tarnish the memory of those who played the game honestly, I will admit baseball of course knew these freaks were using steroids like Mguire and Sosa and Clemens head and body gaine about 30 pounds, but they did nothing because fans were filling the stands and tuning on tv, but they were cheaters, freaks, I believe its already hard enough to compare players from different times mainly because of rules changes, night games, live balls, shorter walls, DH, how can one compare Hunter with Seaver or Gibson when AL pitchers never had to come out for pitch hitters etc.... but this also makes for great conversation, debating the merits of players, but once its confirmed they cheated then as far as i'm concerned they are done and their names should be wiped clean of any records, and all sports can be tied into diffrent eras and records, football Brady and Brees have almost every passing record in nfl history but are they comparable to Unitas or Staubach, Montana? more games, can't hit them, can't hit the receivers,  that's why sports is fun, nobody is right or wrong, and  as far as Ortiz I thought it was common knowledge he did test positive for steroids before the official testing, actually heard this on the fan in new york but he cleaned up his act and wasn't an asshole like Bonds or Clemens, so he got in

  2. 1 hour ago, Strider said:

    Look at the AFC now. Joe Burrow in Cincinnati. Josh Allen in Buffalo. Patrick Mahomes in Kansas City. That is the gauntlet teams in the AFC will face for the next ten years trying to get to the Super Bowl. I would add Justin Herbert in San Diego but San Diego is cursed to never quite figure it out.

    Sorry Raiders. You are never going to make it with David Carr as your quarterback. He is not up to the task. Time to upgrade. 

    Tua at Miami? Who knows...is the jury still out on him?

    Meanwhile, the NFC has become wide open as it has become the land of grizzled old QBs. Aaron Rodgers in Green Bay (or wherever). Russell Wilson in Seattle (or wherever). Matthew Stafford in L.A. Tom Brady in Tampa Bay (or not). Kirk Cousins in Minnesota. Ryan Fitzpatrick in Washington. Jimmy G in San Francisco. Dak Prescott in Dallas (yeah, he is still under 30 but it seems like he's been around a long time).

    Who are the hot young guns in the NFC that are equal to Burrow, Allen & Mahomes? Hmmmm...Kyler Murray in Arizona, Daniel Jones in New York? These guys don't really strike fear in anyone. I guess we will see if Trey Lance is really all that for San Francisco next year.

    Herbert may prove over time to be the best of all of them, him and Allen may have the best physical tools of any qb in the league, wonder if Bills fans watched yesterday and said" oh that is what we should of done on defense" jury out on Tua? well has the jury ever been in on Watson? believe ownership wanted the  potential predator Watson to come aboard and coach didn't agree so they fired him, unless criminal charges come watch Watson get traded to Dolphins which could happen because we know the nfl would never punish Watson, as a lifer  cowboy fan they will never win with Dak, never

  3. 3 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    I've noticed how the pandemic is never so bad that it requires securing the Southern border.  

    no,  gangs  and drugs and covid are just fine with the democrats but shit were going to defend Ukraines borders from that evil Putin at all costs, send the troops and supply a billion in weapons, we can't do enough to secure that border, and the  fking media remind me of Colonel Schultz from Hogan Heroes " i see nothing "

  4. 54 minutes ago, Bong-Man said:

    When a team wins with 9 sacks, it makes predictions a little more difficult.  KC's experience should rule the day.  I have to go with the 49ers in the NFC.  Considering how much these teams like to pass, it's a good thing neither game is being held in the blizzard.  Looking forward to two good games.

    A year in, the top of last year's draft was pretty outstanding for everyone.  Giving the QBs an incomplete, there really wasn't a bad pick in the bunch.

    think few weeks back bengals got the best of kc if memory hasn't failed me , hopefully 2 competitive games coming, I to like San Fran

  5. 44 minutes ago, Bong-Man said:

    I guess this is just like the Joe Rogan Show.  Retractions aren't available.

    Here's one dedicated to Eric Clapton & subliminal messages.  They don't really work, but they sure can cause some paranoia.


    I stopped watching Rogan about 20 years ago when he hoasted fear factor lol, I don't do pod casts, never realized he  had a big following

  6. 27 minutes ago, Walter said:

    Keepin the clown. Also keeping Dan Quinn. I don’t think Payton is going to take a job and since he’s under contract, I think he would have to be traded for. Dallas is as predictable as Buffalo not winning a Super Bowl. 😉 

    Walter, Brees is rumored to  take over sunday nite football with Mike T., Romo solid on cbs, Aikman solid on fox, leaves only espn for Payton to do a year or two of tv so as not to cost new team money and picks?

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