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Everything posted by JMH

  1. Essen. Not sure if Bonham is showing his brilliance or having a piss-take or both. Anyway, highly entertaining and a one-off experience.
  2. Gotta say Moby Dick is not half bad from this one. And Wanton Song… why oh why did they drop it?!
  3. Becoming one of the favourites from 75 that I possess.
  4. I've got time and can always enjoy it from the marvellous LedZep boots youtube channel 👌
  5. What I thought too but one never knows with the MC rip offs. Maybe need to wait for the Tarantura box to be copied. 923 is just one of those shows I’d like to have as a physical copy.
  6. Best to ask here? Is the Moonchild 167 Rock Carnival The Definitive Version based on source #5 and is hence the "optimal version" of 9/23/1971 (if Tarantura's new box is excluded). What about the No Label 923? Seems like both are missing from Bootledz or then I am blind.
  7. 25/6/1977 should have been a default level for a band with the size and reputation Zeppelin had. Well, we know it unfortunately was not the case 77.
  8. ^ Had a go at that yesterday. The boot should be called Careless Whisper 😀
  9. STH from 23rd... yeah, not for Page's soloing but for the sledgehammer from Bonham (& Jones). Page not inventing anything miracular here but just playing OK, which is enouhg as the star of the show is one apparently very coked up drummer. This version really hits you in the face.
  10. gibsonfan's nitpick inspired me to Badgeholder's, 23.6.1977.
  11. Fookin’ hell! Don’t really know how to react to this. It is so weird but yet skillful. Could only see short clips first but seeing the singer’s blouse made me think these guys take no prisoners 😂.
  12. Is the current spotify version the 2007? My CD is from the 90s remaster. So easy to loose track on Page’s magick edits, haha.
  13. A confession: you made me have a first go on the bootleg version of Dazed from 27th. Tight. Will need to repeat the exercise.
  14. As it happened was listening this today until OTHAFA and then Kashmir + Heartbreaker. If you beeeend it a lot it is like pre 75 Zep appeared on the stage and Bonzo had his balls in a vice. edit: so correct about Heartbreaker
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