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Everything posted by aen27

  1. No, Lucia, you are still a total Pagette. And thank you, Deborah!
  2. Oh my darling, how are torturing each other, but it's wonderful!!!
  3. OMG! You just gave me a heart attack!
  4. Oh yes, you know my weakness for C/P Pagey.
  5. Oh that fluffy hair... Here's our picture, Lucia! "Shall we roll it, Jimmy?" I loved when the old board opened with that. So fitting.
  6. Happy birthday!

  7. Daniel Takes a Train (Hungarian movie )
  8. Around 1985 during the first Firm tour. And I agree with you, Jo, we can't let this thread die.
  9. They're going to all his own pictures, too from what I understand. (At least mostly - he may have needed permisson from the different photoraphers.) But, he was a big part of putting it together.
  10. I ordered the collectors edition on Thursday. I am just happy to have gotten one at all as this maybe Pagey's only autobiography. I more interested in what he put in it than what the cover looks like, though I do love that picture from '77.
  11. Thank you Maja and Deborah. My father's friend's wife took that of me with my parents several ago while we were in Ohio. We were about to leave to finish the drive to go to see my grandparents. She is sort of a professional photographer on the side. I had forgotten all about it untill I was looking was for another picture and saw it again.
  12. OMG Budatoba! And to answer your question that's Marilyn Cole on her and Richard's wedding day. He has another picture in Stairway to Heaven. He said they were married at Caxton Hall 1974. BTW, thanks so much for the picture. Never saw it before. Jimmy looks so
  13. No HYE seen a performance of Man of La Moncha
  14. Last four. (Though very hard to pick) Whatever Happened to Jugula (Pagey and Roy Harper) or Coverdale/Page
  15. No HYE seen Sugar (Broadway Musical of Some Like It Hot)
  16. No. HYE been to Knebworth House? (I would have loved to have seen Annie's Zeppelin exhibit that my magazines were in there).
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