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Everything posted by aen27

  1. ^ That's my favorite scene in Blow Up. This was just posted in the photo mysteries thread and it nearly killed me!
  2. They certainly do!

  3. Thank you for sharing that. I was greatly intrigued as I never have met him at all.Though I hope I can have that oppurtinity someday. But in saying that, I am very relieved he came through. I like these pictures least, actually because I know he was ill in this period, but that something special is still there, some what in them. I do understand your asscoication.
  4. That's true. But didn't come out of his addiction soon after this? He did have a way of making himself still presentable.
  5. So do I. And he's breaktaking before he took his jacket and scarf off
  6. So true! He's so adorable in his robe!
  7. He's still beautiful. But you knew that.
  8. I love that '73 picture. I could gaze at it all day!! And he is so elegant in that first one... He is so disgustingly adorable in those Live Aid pictures..
  9. Of course you may, Jo!!!!!! And I love that picture by the lake. I can't wait for more from the book itself! And Lucia, I knew you'd like that.
  10. LZ 1: Side 1 LZ II: Side 1 LZ III: Side 1 (Immirgant Song -SIBLY, I love) LZ Untitled: Side 1 HOH: Side 1 PG: Record 1 Side A (Record 2 Side B is close second) Presance: Side 2 ITOD: Side 1 (The opening with In The Evening always gives me chills) Coda: Side 2 (I love Darlene, but I really love Wearing and Tearing)
  11. It sounds like some of it got into the opening of In The Evening. You should listen to Death Wish II. I love his soundtrack for that. (It's far superior to the movie.) I love the instrumental stuff on it, especially "Prelude," "Big Band, Sax and Violence" and "The Chase." But what stands out is Chris Farlow at the beginning singing "Who's to Blame" which is my favorite, besides "Prelude."
  12. Thank you. I love women's clothes too. I am very influened by classic Hollywood designers like Adrian and Travis Banton. Thanks for the add too. That's something else about Jimmy I love. His clothes are always so fun.

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