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Everything posted by aen27

  1. Here you are, Lucia! I couldn't find the other one any bigger. They show the one with the "Outrider" album cover on Zeppelinart.com. I love this picture too.
  2. That's so cool. That's so cute that Pagey named his own intrumental after the color of his eyes.
  3. luxury cars The Firm or Coverdale/Page
  4. ^ He's is the hottest bandleader ever!!
  5. I'd faint too if he looked at me like that. I think your first one is one of the hottest ones ever from the "Outrider" period. He is so beautiful in that!
  6. I always think he looks so sweet during the Arms tour.
  7. Christmas dinner, especially our Christmas Eve dinner, which is always fried breaded oysters, with bacon pieces on pasta, which I love. Fall or Spring
  8. I love this picture with Jeff, too.
  9. The title song from Love Parade sung by Maurice Chavilier and Jennatte MacDonald.
  10. ^ I love those pictures of Jimmy and Robert together -- Pagey is so adorable, I just want to cuddle him!! Edit: I love Post Zep Pagey. He is even hotter! -- I can see his 'fluffy' haired royal darkness is rubbing off on you, too, Lucia!
  11. It's kind of cool, being red tented.
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