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Everything posted by aen27

  1. Oh, he's just so gorgeous!!!! He's so shy and sweet during those Arms concerts I love that picture of him smiling from Oakland.
  2. I'm jealous too!! He is so sexy and gorgeous in that and in that pen stripe suit and hat. I remember that Lori said he was dressed like a gangster with a hat and cane when Richard kidnapped her for Pagey. Imagaine being kidnapped for Pagey......
  3. This is from the Rock N'Roll Hall of Fame, Lucia, that Catherine was with him.
  4. Oh, Magenta!!! I love them all!!! I wanted to share some of the pictures from my new book that just came yesterday before I leave for a week tomarrow. It will so hard to be away from this forum!! Pagey looks unbelievably gorgeous in them all. I will leave you all this for now.....
  5. Hi,

    I noticed as well..just wanted to say Happy Birthday!!!


  6. I thank yew!!! I know you know I really want them to be him. It's sort like letting out frustration...
  7. OMG!! She's, I don't know what! I feel very bad for the boy.
  8. I am still learning about them, though I was first getting into them and Jimmy around 4 years ago. This is the only real place I can talk about Zep. I can a little bit, outside, but not like I can on here. It's so much fun and there are a lot of fun people on here, some of which I also consider friends. That and Pagey, Percy, Jonsey and Bonzo themselves make it very very addicting.
  9. This first one is for Lucia
  10. Thank you so much, Steve for both of this one and the 2007 one!!!! They are wonderful!! I am so happy you posted!!!!
  11. Oooooh, only Pagey has beautiful laser beam prymids. He is so hot in that suit!
  12. This is going to have to be my last one for the night.. He is just hot in this! He's smile is so cute in this. They are with Phil May
  13. I agree! He's so cute in them both!! I love these! He's really dark in this one!
  14. Oh, he's does----and so utterly addicting! He's so cute!!! He's says at one point, "They get better, I assure you!" I wish I could have seen these shows he did!!
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