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Everything posted by aen27

  1. No dresses like him or comes even close to being like him! He's the hottest 64 year old I've ever seen, too! My heart just stops when I see him!
  2. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    Thank you so much for the link! It's always fun to see new pictures of beautiful Jimmy!
  3. I loved it. I just let it keep repeating. It was so fun.
  4. Thank you soo much for this! It is so fun to see him. I love hearing him talk. He is so hot at 64!
  5. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    Me too, as well! I love that 'rose' tented picture.
  6. Do you know about when this month he will be getting it? I'm so curious to know.
  7. aen27

    Page Sells Artwork

    I wish I could afford that painting! I could picture him owning that. It's so beautiful.
  8. I have more like magazines, tourbooks, records, cds and 2 pins with Jimmy on them from '75 and '79, but I still would like to help too, Annie if you can let me know.
  9. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I've never seen that picture before! He looks so beautiful! Thank you!
  10. Very interesting and I wonder if he and Ross were in LA together. Ross doesn't always have to mention him.
  11. I can't wait to hear what he says too. I have been checking regualarly. You must update us whenever you can. I hope he also likes my two pictures I did of him and the other special things I e-mailed to you for the book.
  12. He's now 64 and still as gorgeous as ever. Watch his interview with the BBC on YouTube and the Classic Rock Ceromony both from November. He can still make me melt.
  13. I could fantaize about being with Jimmy up through how he looked in the '90's, but I think I would be a bit creeped out about being married to him. I think I'd rather talk with him.
  14. I love Jimmy's soundtrack. I just got a few months ago on vinyl. I rented the film, but could hardly sit through the whole thing. I absolutely loved the opening sequence with "Who's to Blame" playing over the LA highway/skyline. That's really cool. Other than that, I think Jimmy's music is much much better than the film. How much did he have to do with III, I saw he got credit for it too.
  15. My story has several parts to it. My uncal had his own band in which he was the guitarist and my aunt was one of the singers. I remember him talking about Jimmy and Zeppelin back when I was around maybe 4 or 5. I was 5 when Bonzo died. I always was watching music shows, then and this was before MTV and VH-1. I can't remember if that is where I heard Kashmir or if it on the radio, but I loved it when I was 5, but I thought it was a brand new song, same with The Rain Song, but I remember hearing about them and Jimmy when I was very young and being a little scared of them.I think it was maybe how their dark reputation looked to a little girl in the late 70's. But I always knew who Jimmy was since. Then in the begining of 2006, after I had gotton into the Bonzo Dog Band via the Beatles and was reading Chris Welch's biography of Vivian Stanshall, in which Jimmy is mentioned. I began to get more and more intrigued by Jimmy and his career. The Bonzos had opened of Zeppelin in San Franscio, and the Yardbirds scene was already my favorite scene in Blow Up. I had read the Zeppelin part of Pamala's book Rock Bottom, in which she talked about how fraglie Jimmy was. I had also found a copy of Oz that had Vivian Stanshall on the cover with Germaine Greer, it also has maybe one of the reviews of the first album and how fun it is. I bought the Yarbirds documentary from early '90's. I cautiously was leading up to Zeppelin without really realizing it. Finally, using a gift card my friend had gotten me for my birthday, I bought the first album, the 2003 DVD, and SRTS. I started playing the album when I got home and it was --like I saw before--love at first song and just went on from there.
  16. I'm not sure if he was. It's kind of funny. That's why I sent the link. If there were so many acres, why should she bothered? http://www.rosshalfin.co.uk/jimmy_page/jimmy-page05.php
  17. It's beautiful. I can't help but think of Ross Halfin said how Vera Lynn tried to get him evicted from that house, thinking he was bad for the neighborhood. I like thinking of him as lord of the manor. He's still lord of Tower House at least.
  18. Oh my god!! I love that picture! You took that?
  19. Does anyone know which of his suits that he is refering to in the second press confrence with Robert from Way Down Inside? He talks about how he let the Victoria and Albert measum borrow one of his suits, but I guess they never returned it to him and let the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame have it and they cut it to fit on their manqiuns. I thought he said he had all of his stage clothes going back to the Yardbirds.
  20. That's very interesting. I was also unaware he wrote poetry. Just curious, where did you see this?
  21. Have a lovely birthday, Jimmy and a fantastic 2008. I love you.
  22. Those are in LA I'm pretty sure.
  23. It's in his brand interview in the January issue of Classic Rock. Very fun.
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