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Everything posted by aen27

  1. It's interesting to read Jimmy's point of view of the interview with William Burroughs after just reading Stephen Davies memories of it in LZ'75.
  2. I am happy he put in about his guitar he painted.
  3. More. I love that the gold record for LZ I still means so much to him. I loved the way he set these up
  4. This first one is so striking. I love it too, I know it has been posted before.
  5. Interesting! I have that issue. Will have to read closer.
  6. I love that he added this. Notice there are only two women in the book that also had an outside relationship from music in the book. Jackie and Charlotte. Not trying to infer anything, but interesting.
  7. I meant the UK The pictures from Pangbourne are from '70 Here's some from around 70-72
  8. Yes, I know. It reminded me how he was hurt by the first reviews.
  9. One more. Thanks for starting this Magic and I hope I haven't spoiled it for those who don't have theirs yet.
  10. Couple more I loved Visiting Ronnie Lane in Texas during the Outrider tour. I nearly stopped breathing when I saw this one.
  11. I love his caption for this I always how loved the way he looked in this photo shoot from '76. I am so happy he included it. These are among my favorites in the entire book. They must be the contact sheets The Sphinx is another one I loved.
  12. I love thinking about him writing Friends on that balcony.
  13. I love his caption to this. It just shows how important Zeppelin is now that people wouldn't even recognize him then. That is my favorite one. I am going to post a few I love as well.
  14. I am so happy it finally arrived for you. I love it too. Enjoy.
  15. I have mine still out. In the cover with the bag draped over it in front of my book case.
  16. That looks like it's Jason behind him from around Outrider.
  17. Thank you. I love it. It's so hard to put and it's so interesting to read what he allows in it. It's lovely. I like that his dry humor is in it too. It makes it even more special. Hope yours comes very soon. The wait is almost over.

  18. I would be very happy if he did that. I don't expect a tour.
  19. How can you explain that he himself has said he wants to get out and play again? Now that the book is done, hopefully it will give him more time.
  20. Yes. I just finished it a couple of weeks ago. I loved it. I love WGWTE too. Actaully I am reading Nick Kent's book, which will have a lot of Zeppelin. I have been reading Jimmy's book in bits and pieces. He does put in some adorable little things. It has his humor too, which is very dry and these other biographies don't have.
  21. The only other woman in the book is Leona Lewis, but that is because they colaborated for the Olympics. But the other tow women, he did have a personal relationship with both of them outside of music. By the way, I did say that the guy in the white hat a little bit back in the Leeds pictures was Zacron.
  22. Yes. That picture has its own page. Then there are two others, one with Jimmy and Brian with someone else, possibly an engineer, then one of Jimmy alone as he bows the guitar.
  23. Zacron. Jimmy's artist friend who designed the 3rd album cover. He wears a hat like that.
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