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Posts posted by redeyedrichard

  1. Don't sell it Rich. The dollars won't justify the sacrifice. Sell your sperm or something. Vinyl has a longer shelf life mate! Trust me, you'll hate yourself in the morning!

    Haha. Yeah you are probably right....can anyone direct me to a decent porn site so I can accomplish Ev's latter suggestion?


    No I probably will take a photo of it and then back out. I don't know. It will definitely be a last resort to sell it because it really is a thing of beauty.

    AAARRRGGHHHH!! I hate these choices!

  2. I would spend that $300 on hiring a really really good thief, then just point him in the direction of the guitar store. Hahaha. Only kidding.

    By the way, I agree with Ev with all of this. However, in my own opinion Shecter make some great guitars at budget prices. I wouldn't pay under $300 for one (mainly because I live in England and we don't use dollars :P ) because you will end up getting frustrated with it. But have a look at and a play of some Schecter guitars.

    I think that's a great piece of advice really...go to a guitar store and play on a bunch of guitars within the budget, choose the one that feels right and comfortable. Only you can make the decision.

    Rik. :thumbsup:

  3. Ebay?

    I did put "apart from eBay" in my post. :P

    I know I will see what Jones has to say on the subject and other collectors on here. I really really really don't want to get rid of it, but sometimes we have to find cash quick and sell a buch of stuff we don't want to.

    By the way it is in mint condition...and I mean mint. The person I bought it from and the person he bought it from etc etc can't have played it much, if at all. lol.

    Thanks for your responses.

  4. So here's the deal...I got a new car and it has left me really dry as far as cash is concerned. I need to make some cash and henceforth have decided very reluctantly to sell a bunch of my stuff including one of my rare Led Zeppelin singles. Where would you advise the sale...apart from eBay, any specialist sites?

    This is the vinyl:

    Led Zeppelin Japanese 7" Vinyl DT1139

    I believe it is listed on a site as the 28th rarest Led Zeppelin record.

    Any ideas?

  5. I miss some of the old style pubs etc near me. I didn't really frequent them too often, it was cheaper to drink at home, but they had a character about them. It's the smoking ban that has caused the lack of custom IMO. Not that I dislike the ban because I never really was a fan of the whole smokey pub.

  6. May I direct your attention to a very small percentage of my collection:


    This was taken a year and a half ago I believe, so the collection has grown. In fact the opposite side of my room proudly displays my collection of fine single malts. I love a good 12 year old Single Malt Scotch Whisky. Yummy stuff man. :D:D:D

  7. :D Hey All...haven't been here for ages!!!

    Just thought I would remind you all of what I look like:

    In the Studio 2008


    Post surfing with my Bro, Fistral Beach UK 2009


    Hope you are all doing well, particularly all you folks that know me from this and the old board.

    Hope to talk more soon.

    ReR :D

  8. Hello....hello....hello............hello..................hello.................


    Wow, it echoes in here! haha! That's how empty it is. It's like a fairground that has been abandoned. :lol:


    So that is why you feel that this place has lost all its joy.....because Richard and all of his friends and minions have moved to greener pastures.

    Peace, Love, Empathy.

    ReD EyE

  9. Vannis is never here. She had a little run of posts on the other board we go to, but I ain't seen her on there for ages. Mind you, I don't really drop by too frequently. But nevermind. Things ain't as cool as they used to be. Me and Rabia are chatting away over there. You left just as we started talking!! :lol: And you always complain that you miss me. haha!

  10. The pictures are so cute!!

    I have a couple of photos.. I know I have posted some of my pictures before but here are some more

    me with my friend in "Rock bar". Nice place!


    in a train, me and my brother were going to Metallica concert =) that's one of my brother's guitars, it's cheap enough to take it in a train with you ^_^


    attention to the background))))


    WOW! Great pics Maureen....I think we would make a great couple. :lol:

  11. Yes,

    ReR, it's nice to see you again! That guy you say is your brother sure has the same eyes as you... LOL

    Yup, he is definitely my brother. haha! And yeah we do have similar eyes...glad you remembered my eyes from previous pics Manders...I feel priveledged. :lol: Your pics were great, you always have such a great smile. :)

    ReR B)

  12. Now, that I am back or might not be, my mentally deranged cesspool of thoughts might scare Rich again, :P

    If I come back, Rich, I warn you of my constant billows of feisty posts :P :P

    The above quote is what I missed about Rabia! Crazy posts like that. I mean, who else words something so eligantly. hahagaha! :lol:

    Glad your back Rabia

  13. The love story of Ralph and Edna.

    Ralph and Edna were both patients in a mental hospital.

    One day, while they were walking past the hospital's swimming pool, Ralph suddenly jumped into the deep end. He sank to the bottom of the pool and stayed there.

    Edna promptly jumped in to save him. She swam to the bottom and pulled him out. When the Head Nurse Director became aware of Edna's heroic act she immediately ordered her to be discharged from the hospital, as she now considered her to be mentally stable. When she went to tell Edna the news she said, 'Edna, I have good news and bad news. The good news is you're being discharged, since you were able to rationally respond to a crisis by jumping in and saving the life of the person you love. I have concluded that your act displays sound mindedness. The bad news is, Ralph hung himself in the bathroom with his bathrobe belt right after you saved him. I am so sorry, but he's dead.'

    Edna replied, 'He didn't hang himself, I put him there to dry. How soon

    can I go home?'


    ReR B)

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