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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. Aw. That's cute. Okay Richard, I think it's safe now.
  2. They make/made them, I think my dad had one.
  3. Sorry to those of you who don't like Alison, but I love this picture.
  4. It is an amazing thing! Richard, be prepared, because I missed some girl talk that may be important. What is the story with the kiss friend? You were talking about it then I had to leave.
  5. Sorry. We may not have school tomorrow.
  6. Yeah, I don't think they need study hall teachers. I had a great study hall last semester. There was never a dull moment. This semester every moment is a dull one. Edit: RICHARD! How are you?
  7. Our school has about 400 kids in all. We don't have enough teachers, let alone enough rooms. I go to a small school people wise, but room and money wise it's really small.
  8. Our school is doesn't have enough teachers. Our pe teachers all have a study hall, drivers ed, health, and obviously pe.
  9. Oh my gosh. The lady who taught the class was my 1st semester World History class and she is one of the nicest people I have ever met.
  10. The Ten Years Gone girl said it was the music or her. I think we all know what he chose.
  11. I want to take that class, if they offer it when I get to my junior year.
  12. Good. how's your wether? It's nasty here.
  13. I do that sometimes. I hate the books in my lit book because they are so dumb.
  14. I wonder if that really happened. Then again I don't need that mental picture.
  15. It was about a guy who takes a "friend" into a wine cellar/catacomb and then chains him up. After that he builts a wall around him and leaves him there to die.
  16. I liked it, and understood it. I like Poe, I think he's brilliant. One of my favorites.
  17. I don't know the next one. Language part, we read Edgar Allan Poe's The Cask of Amontillado in English/Lit. and 5 people in my entire class understood it. So 1 out of every 20 people understood it.
  18. PG, more power for a longer time. Favorite media type?
  19. She was pretty. I had in a book that she wore big sunglasses to hide her face because she thought she was so ugly.
  20. UGH! I hate flood control. How are you Rabia?
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