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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. Good night Richard. Sorry Rabia, I'm having internet problems. I'd assume so unless you didn't like them that way.
  2. I good. I'm talking to a really good friend who moved away last year and he's cheering me up.
  3. Hi Rabia how are you? My post count is 1967, that is one of my favorite years.
  4. Rabia is either a Junior or a Sophmore. So she has 1 or 2 years left it just depends. I will tell you how it works later here in a America. It's pretty simple you have to go to school for 12 years. Right now I have to go and shower so I don't smell later, then I will go to bed. Gibson if I forget to tell you, send me a pm or something and I will explain it.
  5. I don't know where here is. If it wasn't answered, does Robert have a tattoo or not?
  6. I like Jimmy's hair longer. And they didn't say no tour. I will keep my hopes up, but not high. I won't believe it until the ticket is in my hand.
  7. I hope so Rabia. I have just under 3.5 years left. Then I have college. Richard feel better soon. If you don't feel better go to a doctor, please.
  8. Richard, Richard, Richard. Tut tut. Treasure my school years, like that will ever happen. I hate school. It sucks. That's all I will say on that subject. I was in an extremely good mood then someone had to say the "s" word. How is everybody?
  9. It took me a minute to see the dancers.
  10. I got some new photos if anyone is interested, More will be posted later.
  11. I complain about it. Shoes or purses?
  12. Robert Plant Burning Down One Side I heard: You took the keys to my pool hall Actual line: You took the keys to my poor heart
  13. Ketchup, expect I don't put it on that much stuff. Last Robert question, does he have a tattoo on his lower back? I was watching the video for Burning Down One Side and at the end he takes his shirt off and walks away and there is a spot on his back. Tattoo or birthmark/skin thing?
  14. White Robert with mullet or without mullet?
  15. I'm here, but I've noticed that too. Coke or Pepsi?
  16. You're welcome. I have so many more. Do you like him with pre 75 teeth or without?
  17. I found it!! Along with others:
  18. I have to find my favorite Robert smile picture now. I don't know where it is though!
  19. Okay, well I"m back if someone else is here. My old PC died a horrible death too. I had to put it down.
  20. No, my vinyl is piling up in my room. I want my dad to make something for but it will be while before I get that. Most of them are in a crate but the others are on top of that or piling on the floor. It's a mess. How are you using the internet now if your computer died? I have to go now, but I'll be back later to talk. I hate not ever having time to talk.
  21. I just read farther down the page, it says the New King James Version of the bible is Satanic too. My bible is New King James Version, and I think the ones at my church are too. I guess we're all going to hell now, maybe Satan will give us turntables and we can listen to Stairway backwards.
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