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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. I don't know if I can pick a best song from III. IT's a great album. I listened to it in study hall today. I do love having an ipod, makes listening to music in school so much easier and lowers my chances of getting caught.
  2. I didn't make that statement from the outside appearance of people. I wasn't there, and I only know what was told to me. A lot of hippies dressed like him because that what there was. I meant that as more people were "square" than there were hippies.
  3. I liked the blue ones he wore with the Nurses Do It Better shirt.
  4. Have fun studying, I have to go now. I may be back in a few hours though.
  5. I really don't care if people like it or not- I wear my shirts, sing the songs and the whole nine yards. If they don't like the way it looks, don't look, if they think I can't sing don't listen. I try not to sing look though because I can't carry a tune ina bucket.
  6. You can look at castle pictures. I do that alot and I pick out the ones I want to live in. Then I imagine life in the castle. Let your imagination soar.
  7. Don't you have any windows? And lok up landscape pictures, that outside is always better than what you can see through the window.
  8. JPJ posts on his forum. It's at johnpauljones.com. (That is not an active link, but you can type it in the internet bar) Otherwise I don't think that any of them do that kind of stuff.
  9. Great place to pick. Only I can be here for abou t10 mnutes then it's off to dance classes.
  10. Around here it 's a big thing to wear the 77 shirt and "like" them. But when you actually do like them people harrass you for it.
  11. I don't like Roc the Mod either. (I like that though Rod The Mod. ) I express the fact that I don't like certain music all the time. So I can't really say anything about Robert doing it.
  12. This is a great link, imo. She has audience members on the stage dancing and the whole deal.Piece Of My Heart
  13. Unless you heard from the moderators you're fine.
  14. ^Not to but in on the conversation, but I agree completely with both of you.
  15. I want some footage with the Oakland Dancer so we can know exactly what her point is. As many interviews as possible. I know that film exsists of things happening on the Starship and Caesar's Chariot. I think that or other promo party footage would be interesting.
  16. My only thing with Jethro Tull is that rock bands don't have flute players. Otherwise I think they're great band- flute included.
  17. ^I've seen that movie before and I love it. Thank you so much for the link!
  18. I have to go now, someone needs the computer but here is more proof it was JPJ: Here Read the big quote in the middle it is proof that it was JPJ.
  19. Rabia, very nice picture. And henna! I love that stuff.
  20. Jonesy is kinda quite, I mean why would he tell that? Let alone his wife find out he cheated, but with another guy! I doubt Jimmy told, he doesn't seem the type so I think either Robert or Bonzo found out about it and told.
  21. Yeah, but how did the rest of them find out? I doubt Jonesy said, "Guess what guys! That groupie last night was a guy, lets write a song about it!"
  22. Glad to cheer you up, I think it's true though. Someone had to spill the beans. Unless Robert walked into the hotel, and then told.
  23. I take a test everyday in English if that helps you. Then on Fridays we have a huge test over all the tests we took that week. Something tells me that Bonzo knew that Jonesy wasn't talking to a lady groupie.
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