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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. ^I've seen that movie before and I love it. Thank you so much for the link!
  2. I have to go now, someone needs the computer but here is more proof it was JPJ: Here Read the big quote in the middle it is proof that it was JPJ.
  3. Rabia, very nice picture. And henna! I love that stuff.
  4. Jonesy is kinda quite, I mean why would he tell that? Let alone his wife find out he cheated, but with another guy! I doubt Jimmy told, he doesn't seem the type so I think either Robert or Bonzo found out about it and told.
  5. Yeah, but how did the rest of them find out? I doubt Jonesy said, "Guess what guys! That groupie last night was a guy, lets write a song about it!"
  6. Glad to cheer you up, I think it's true though. Someone had to spill the beans. Unless Robert walked into the hotel, and then told.
  7. I take a test everyday in English if that helps you. Then on Fridays we have a huge test over all the tests we took that week. Something tells me that Bonzo knew that Jonesy wasn't talking to a lady groupie.
  8. Yes, she sure is. How are you Rabia? Well, I know your upset, so why are you upset?
  9. It's supposed to snow 2 inches tonight. I hope it refreezes and turns to ice, causing the country roads to be too slick for the buses to get down causing no school tomorrow.
  10. Yes, it's fahrenheit. I don't know how to relate that to celcius, except that it will be under 0.
  11. It's nasty here too. It's so cold outside, probably about 20+ windchill. Or minus windchill how you want to look at it.
  12. lzfan715

    What is

    As soon as Heartbreaker ends I start singing Livin' Lovin' Maid. They just go together. It's like song association.
  13. Rock of Love 2. No just kidding, I hate those kind of shows. Honestly, I don't know what I'd be on. What is your ringtone? (if you don't have a cell phone, just say so.)
  14. I found that person with your old avatar and went wait since when has noora had that one or even posted in this thread? Anyway, will you get your license then too?
  15. lzfan715

    What is

    Stairway to Heaven is my all time favorite song. I know that sounds typical but it really is.
  16. I have a Jimmy doll. Only his arms move though. He even came with a little amp, but I know what you mean. And Ted Nugent, I agree, I totally agree he drives me nuts. He is so full of himself. I don't like Phil Collins either. He is full of himself too.
  17. I can't stand school. I don't mind the classes, I love learning new thing. Not that I'm learning anything new in class, but you get my point. It's the people. Most of them are ignorant.
  18. I have a minion now. yay! All you have to do is put Richard's minion in your signature. And do what he says, but he doesn't ever tell us to do anything anyway. I'm good, coming down with a cold. But no school today!!! So that is a time to celebrate.
  19. Little Girl Blue, if you haven't heard it here is a link:
  20. How are you? And would you like to become a minion?
  21. Woodstock If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
  22. Sorry, I don't know who's here now. I was gone a lot longer than planned.
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