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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. Rabia, I don't think anyone was mad. I was just really confused. I knew he was 15, but when you said that I thought maybe he was younger. I'm not mad, just confused. How much longer till you do? Have you talked to your parents yet? Not meaning to pry, just seeing if I have any post worthy advice.
  2. I can't stand him. He is so full of himself.
  3. He's older then me. Does that make me really young? Rabia, how are things with your room?
  4. What do you consider young Rabia? Has an 8 year been helping me with an ipod? He certainly doesn't seem that young. Anyway, hello Rabia.
  5. Hello Noora. Brad have you ever been to the Haight ashbury?
  6. They always turned her away there it seems. After she died they finally paid her some attention.
  7. I'm back. I don't think my brother can throw a fit and make me get off right now so I'm here to hang out for a little bit.
  8. I have to go. I may be back it's hard telling.
  9. I feel for you. I hate school too. It's like going to hell 5 days a week.
  10. No, but how about perfume? You can smell like sweaty men with too much make-up and hairspray.
  11. KISS isn't a band. It's a merchandise machine.
  12. I have no band practice. I have have no band so that would probably be why. I'm redoing my photobucket. Richard, that means more pictures. Otherwise, Brad (is that right?) how are you?
  13. Really? That sucks. We have school off tommorrow.
  14. Are you talking about TSRTS because people did that were I was. I don't know what band sucks the most but I have a long list. I'm going to go with most screamo bands though.
  15. We will miss you. Please stay safe and take care.
  16. I"m good. How is everyone else? I have to guys. Bye.
  17. LZC, I read that book. It's really good I also read Scars of Sweet Paradise and Love Janis was much better, IMO. It was more about Janis instead of the whole scene. and where can I get festival express?
  18. Everyone is posting screencaps, so surely someone can answer my question. How do you make them?
  19. I'm lucky to see them in April. Gotta go!
  20. I thought the same. What an amazing story to tell.
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