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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. Quite possibly. I'm not a huge Stevie Nicks fan but I like her. Janis on the other head is right up there with Zep.
  2. ^Was that her phone number?! I'm going to put it in my phone just to say I have her number. and Swimmer, I read in an interview that she bought those particular beads.
  3. I HATE FLOOD CONTROL! No, I'm not one of those people. I take them out. I can't stand when people do that. In my algebra class there is a kid who turns his ipod up really loud. I sit about 4 feet from him and can hear it. Not enough to understand it but enough to know the musiic is that scream-o crap.
  4. No they don't. I wish they did though. I read Love, Janis and it talked about how proud she was of that poster. "The Haight's First Pin-up", she even left them up when her mom visited. If I had the money I'd get a Janis signature. Stevie Nicks has those beads she paid like $50,000 for them.
  5. She's so natural. Didn't use a lot of make up. I wish I could raid her closet, I'd steal this top: And the dress she has on in the first picture and this paisley outfit: Well, I'd take it all actually.
  6. That is probably my favorite one too. Did you ever get the youtube link for her singing that on Tom Jones's show? I like Maybe too. I love that picture. I think she's pretty. (Does that sound weird because I'm a chick too?)
  7. Nope, no rain just a little snow. It's evening here. Sorry, I started a Janis thread and was hanging out there for a minute. So I'm a little cold, but I fixed my ipod today so I'm happy! How are you?
  8. I knew there were others. What's your favorite Janis song?
  9. Since we have other band thread, I thought why not start one for her? And what a better than now, since tomorrow (January 19) is her birthday. She'd have been 64. I know I'm not her only fan on here, so now others can talk about her here. Happy Birthday Janis!
  10. Richard if you are still here I'm here too.
  11. I've not heard a lot of the 77 tour, but from what I've heard it wasn't bad. I think '77 was a bad year though, not necassarily because of the music, but their lives. Robert lost a son, Jimmy was bad into herion at the time.
  12. I don't think anymore are being made, so you have to look for them. Try here: TSRTS It starts at 53 for a used one all the way to 155 for a new one.
  13. Only God can give such hair.
  14. This means that II was played more often and the vinyl is starting to wear out. Vinyl makes music sound so much better, have fun with your new stuff.
  15. I have to go guys sorry. I'm sick and my mom needs the computer.
  16. I have to go see the Power Team tomorrow with my church. I haven't decided how I feel yet. It will be Hulk-sized men in weird leotards that talk about God. I believe in God and all, but you guys know how I feel about church. Richard, your going to have a hangover tonight. Well maybe not, I don't really know.
  17. Rabia, I want to know! I wanna know! I love notes. Espeacially the kind you don't know your going to get and someone just gives it to you. Richard, it's evening. I'm alright, been better.
  18. I dislike school with a growing passion. I lied. I HATE school.
  19. I don't think Robert's nose could be replicated. It's perfectly straight.
  20. ^I don't think he lip synced live, all performances were different how could they swing that?
  21. lzfan715

    G.O.A.T. game

    Rob Reiner, because of Spinal Tap and I don't know any others besides Ron Howard. Great year? (You don't have to be alive, just have to think it was great.)
  22. It's really easy. 1. Get a photobucket account. Click Here 2. Upload your photos to photobucket. 3. Go to make post and click the icon that has a setting sun. (Or when you copy the image code makes sure you copy the part. 4. Hit add reply.
  23. Gone Gone Gone lip synced (the video), but I don't think that stops him from singing.
  24. I don't want to start the discussion but I think the RNRHOF does suck. I mean Madonna, she is pop not rock. And I didn't find any Janis in that list.
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