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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. If it's schelduled to go to the UK last don't you think they would have posted the American dates first?
  2. I saw National Treasure 2. I recommened that anyone see it, I loved it.
  3. I didn't open my shirt. I'd be too tempted to wear it and I'd spill something on it. Better that stays wrapped. Otherwise, that box is an entire collection in itself.
  4. Page wins any guitar "fight" end of story.
  5. If you want to start going on about what they owe people, I'd like to tell them that they owe my countless dollars. I'm not complaining though, I willing paid for the stuff. Led Zeppelin does not owe us anything.
  6. I thought that was cool. I like the pants.
  7. If I were God I'd make it so kids weren't mean to each other.
  8. Put up lots of posters was plan A. Around here people don't like Zeppelin and that's what my walls are covered in so they'd be scared to stay in my room.
  9. I'm not now, it's pretty nice. Otherwise I usually am.
  10. I hang out at the stores too. That's what I do on Saturday afternoons. The people at the store don't mind that we hang out there, we're all good friends.
  11. I'd like climate control. I'm cold all the time.
  12. I always wanted one on the back of my head and on the top of it.
  13. This is one of my favorite pictures of Robert:
  14. Well, no posters, there goes Plan A. On to plan b, don't know what it is yet, but we will find a solution. Richard is right, you can't let it boil up inside you, it causes more problems.
  15. Me too, I don't like chain stores, the people aren't very nice. I'm willing to pay an extra few bucks if I can have nicer local service. I've never been there but I've heard they're good too.
  16. I'd be going in that room whenever I wanted to if it's mine. If they're sleeping or changing that one thing, I don't need to see I don't need to see any half naked person. It's your room, I mean it's your choice how you handle it, but I'd start a major rebellion. I just got an idea, can you put posters on your walls and stuff?
  17. The record store I use is just a private owned one. They can't always get stuff, but part of that is I live in the middle of nowhere. It's a cool stuff, I don't know if I live without it. Well, I could, but my music collection would dwindle.
  18. I have your cyber back too. You have my msn address so feel free to vent your anger anytime there or in a pm if you don't want the whole world to know. Are you allowed in your room while people rent it?
  19. I'd really give someone a piece of my mind. You should put down set rules for renting out your room. If your parents don't like your rules, write them down on paper and then put the paper on your bed for the "guests" or a desk if you have one. I'd also check into having somewhere else for your personal stuff. Even just cd's and stuff. I wouldn't trust anyone but me and my dad with my vinyl and music collection. Can't the guests stay on the couch?
  20. Page talks alot softer than that, I think it's Jonesy. I've haven't heard enough of Bonzo talking to know if it was him or not.
  21. I have to agree with Richard, very foul play. I'd be doing some major complaining, and I'd go into my roomo whenever I felt like it. Even if he's in there, it's your space and you have every right to be in there. I'd feel like they were invading my private space. Not to put ideas in your head, but you never know if he's going through your stuff.
  22. They were all equally crucial that's why they called it a day.
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