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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. I have to agree with Richard, very foul play. I'd be doing some major complaining, and I'd go into my roomo whenever I felt like it. Even if he's in there, it's your space and you have every right to be in there. I'd feel like they were invading my private space. Not to put ideas in your head, but you never know if he's going through your stuff.
  2. They were all equally crucial that's why they called it a day.
  3. I'm so stressed out. My parents keep asking me what's wrong, and nothing's wrong so I can't tell them what's because nothing is then I get yelled out for lying to them. Edited: Rabia, that's terrible. I'd kill my parents for doing that to me. At my dad's he goes in quite often because that's where the turntable is so that doesn't bother me. I just hate how sometimes they snoop. Your room is exactly that- YOURS.
  4. Sorry, I had to leave. I left my notebook at my mom's house and then my little brother got on and he got to stay on. He's so spoiled.
  5. I didn't think about it being alcohol, in which case, don't take medicine. Just put some ice on your head. hi Rabia, what's wrong?
  6. If every guy looked like Robert, there would be havoc on the streets!
  7. I'm good, the day has been long though. I had to go to church and that always makes it drag out. Sounds like you had fun, even if you aren't feeling well. Can you take some headache medicine?
  8. I'd give people the choice of what era they'd like to live in.
  9. Aqua, what about people getting licenses for x-ray vision like a driver's license?
  10. I think the vandalized car was white. I don't know why they tok offense it's just a car.
  11. Thanks for the pictures. I like the house at Jennings Farm, or at least the one in the pictures. It very well could have changed, as BB mentioned.
  12. Sorry, didn't mean to hi-jack. How do you hate cute little puppy dogs?
  13. Those interviews are great. The ones about where she talks about her high school are good. She really opened up about it, I can't find the complete high school reunion interview though. P.S., it's spelled Janis.
  14. I can't imagine creating such a thing. You have to wonder what was going through the person's head when they made it. I think I'd make a cure for that too.
  15. Probably from an overdub. I think it's JPJ, but I'm not really sure.
  16. AIDS is man made? Are you kidding? I haven't ever heard this before. I knew it was really big in the 80s, I wondered how it started.
  17. So many of the people die from AIDS, don't they know that if they don't have more kids less people will have AIDS?
  18. I noticed that too. They hardly have food for themselves, let alone their 6 or more children.
  19. Is that the same Rolls-Royce that he drove to someone's wedding and some people trashed it?
  20. I have another, for stars to not starve themselves, because they're are people in Africa who don't have food and aren't starving by choice. That always amazed me how some people starve themselves by choice when some people don't even have food.
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