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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. I do. I love that. Some people here whine about it but I like it.
  2. lzfan715

    Beard of the year!

    I love that photo. As soon as I get more ink I'm printing it and I'm putting it on the wall. What does his shirt say? I can't read it.
  3. I feel bad for her kids. They shouldn't be put through all this just because of her choices.
  4. I'm in French. I don't like it. I got a 103% on my final for that class though, so I got a 92% A for the semester. (Kinda proud of myself for that one. Not to brag or anything.) It ends in 7 hours or so. I don't want to be out bid.
  5. Scarlett, I don't think you can assciate your own word. hate.
  6. I'm good. How are you? I'm still winning.
  7. I hate to sound stupid and everything, but what is the wooden thing? I think it's a part of a drumstick but that doesn't mean I'm right. Cool stuff though.
  8. I think that there should be a list to sign up on to get first notice. A lot of people say those that registered for the o2 should be notified first. I didn't sign up for the o2 because I knew I couldn't go. A) I don't have a passport and it takes to long for me to get one. Seeing as I'm only in high school and don't have a job I couldn't possibly have paid for them. They're are a lot of people who didn't sign up for the o2 but are just as big of fans.
  9. Half of the problems celebrities have is because of people buying tabloids and stuff. People feel bad for them but they don't help the problem.
  10. I have to win them it will double my collection of Zeppelin 45s. I only have 6 now.
  11. I'm good. I'm stll winning by auction on ebay.
  12. That sounds fun. What are you going to do while your there?
  13. He's precious. I love how aware babies are.
  14. That's okay, I'm not going to lie. I don't really care how plate tectonics work. I saw Rabia lurking on the board. She may pay us a visit.
  15. He's really cute. He has really big eyes too.
  16. How do you plan on teaching yourself this stuff?
  17. Hammer of The Gods. Not really, probably LOTR or The Hitchiker's Guide To The Galaxy.
  18. Hi everyone! Vannis what are you studying now?
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