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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. Why did you take your SAT's then? Guys, I have to go. Brad, sorry. We'll have to figure it out another then. Thanks for all your help!
  2. You're in 8th grade aren't you Vannis?
  3. What's going to happen if you drop it?
  4. Hopefully the right things works out. Which one do you want to do more?
  5. It went back to the page that says I need to register.
  6. Yes, it says register later. I clicked on it and it takes me to the registering page.
  7. It says: Welcome to your new Ipod. then a bunch of stuff on how to register it. Thing is I alreay registered it.
  8. Brad, it's the eject one. Rich, what are your other choices?
  9. There's one on the right but not the left. there is one to the left of devices, but not my ipod.
  10. It says music under library but not under my ipod.
  11. I got a 26 on the reading. And a 16 on the math. 19 is required to pass and 32 is as high as you can get. Yes, my ipod is plugged in.
  12. I was raised in a Christian household, so 1, but my dad is Buddhist. I'm Christian though.
  13. I have no idea what school I want to go to let alone what I want to go into too.
  14. Then what's the difference between a uni and a college?
  15. You guys have tests that tell you what school you have to go to?
  16. I know the feeling. Swollen eyes, they're so painful. Then they're puffy and red the next day so that stresses me out more because people point it out. I don't like being a teenager.
  17. I forgot to say hi to Rabia. I'm sorry. Hello! I hate tests. I hate schoool actually.
  18. NO RICHARD DON'T YOU DARE I'M WINNING THEM!!!!!!!!!!!! I should be study my stupid English story but I hate it, so I'm not going to. I'd rather discuss Zep and spend someone else's money.
  19. Richard, you know I'm probably right though. Sorry Vannis. I really want these 45s, I don't have that much money though.
  20. I don't like tectonic plates. I found 6 Zeppelin 45s on ebay for a mere 5 dollars. It end tomrrow. I have to have these!
  21. Yes, but that isn't right. It says something about a Hellhound, and Atlantic didn't like that, so instead of rerecording the song they changed the lyrics on the sleeve.
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