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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. Yeah, you're studying pictures of Jimmy right?
  2. I got an I *picture of turntable* vinyl shirt, Tommy (the movie by the Who), Bad Company on vinyl and my dad got Rush or something like that.
  3. Mine doesn't work on this computer, sorry to those I have on my list. Where's Brad?
  4. Hi Vannis. We don't have really little font anymore or I'd make it litte and alll secretive-like.
  5. Okay, it's plugged in and itunes is up.
  6. Richard and Vannis are here. It's okay guys, I can figure out who's here on my own. *pouts in corner*
  7. So whose here? Looks like Richard has a friend! Brad, will you help me with my ipod now? I'm not mad at it anymore so I won't throw it.
  8. Yes. I'm a freshman. I don't like that fact either. Our school sucks big time. Edit: I have to go again. Sorry.
  9. Nope, I live in a really small town and the school system I'm in is the only one avalible. There is another private one for people in 8th grade and below, but it's no better. The system isn't the teacher's fault. The supplies we get aren't good, the students don't try enough and then students who do try aren't encouraged to do so because the schools can't get them enough stuff to study.
  10. Be glad your school lets you do that. Our school system is terrible and you can't test out of classes, freshan can't double up, it's just really bad.
  11. It was a few different dates from the July MSG performances in 1973. Then some was done at Shepperton Studios.
  12. According to that site I share one with Rembrandt too.
  13. Yeah, some of my pm now have msn. I like having my pm's pop up so I know that I have some. It makes me feel important. Isn't that sad a little box on the screen makes me feel important?
  14. I'll pm you about it. I don't want the mods on my case about it.
  15. I don't get many pm's. I was getting some for a while but I think I made her mad. I didn't mean too but she was sending mesages that I didn't like and I had to keep asking her to not message me about. I do get some others occasionally though.
  16. It was on July 26, 1977 I think. They cancelled that show because of the death. When they checked into the hotel there was a message waiting for Robert, he said he'd take it when he got to his room. Upon arriving to his room he got the message that Karac had died and he needed to get home. And Jess, Ten Years Gone is about a girl who told Robert it was her or the music.
  17. I say random odd things to people all the time so if I said that too anyone it wouldn't surprise them.
  18. Simple. Jimmy Page is a real person right? He isn't really your boyfriend you are just pretending he is. So, you imagine that he is really your boyfriend, and he is a real person too. Edited: If I told that to a boyfrind (don't have one but we're pretending) he'd just laugh at me because I say stuff like that all the time. I'm just like that.
  19. He'd think your nuts. I'd tell him I have an imaginary boyfriend who is actually a real person, and he's a Rock God. Just to see what he says.
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