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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. Well you better not! I'll make another one. It'll be better then yours. It'll have pictures of Audrey Hamilton (The Hot Dog girl) and any of groupie of his I can think of between now and then. Just kidding.
  2. He would understand. I mean it is JIMMY PAGE. Hide him in the closet that's what Vannis does with her Jimmy.
  3. Yeah, Vannis. I'm sure he does. And Noora, what's the problem with Lauri and Jimmy?
  4. I'm back guys. I read what I missed. I don't know who Lauri is but I know 2 people who don't behave with their Jimmy's.
  5. How'd you guys get all these Jimmies? I have a feeling Ashley has something to do with it.
  6. Thanks! Glad you think I'm funny. I'd give him a few bonus points if he came to me first, but that doesn't mean I'd forgive him. You'll have to talk to Vannis about using Jimmy for that show.
  7. I know. If I said something a little harsh I'd type the messgae then go back a reread it. Now I have to wait on flood control so some of my posts are nasty now because I don't want people to have to wait on my knowledge. Just kidding, I'm not always right, just most of the time.
  8. The new forum and I don't get along well. The flood control thing confuses me greatly. It was just a double post. I had to wait 5 minutes before I could even post in this thread.
  9. Oh, okay. Totally not where I thought it was going. Is anyone else having problems with flood control?
  10. Oh, okay. Totally not where I thought it was going.
  11. Oh, okay. Totally not where I thought it was going.
  12. These are all on July 15. 15: Joe Stariani (1956) 15: Jeff Carlisli (38 Special) (1952) 15: Linda Ronstadt (1946) That's all I can find.
  13. It's not acceptable on any terms. I don't think I'd even let it slide once. Did her boyfriend actually tell her or did she find out from someone else?
  14. It's alright. Where do I get the people born on my birthday? Edited: How do I find the list? Thought I'd clear that up.
  15. I wouldn't forgive him. I don't think I could forgive anyone for that. That's one thing that always made me wonder, surely Mo (JPJ's wife) knew about what was going on while they were on the road, and they're still married.
  16. Nope you're moment was strong. It's the date.
  17. That's terrible. I'd be so upset. I hope she's okay.
  18. there's a thread for Jimmy too. Even though that isn't until the 9th. I say we start one for Bonzo and Robert that way we are first!
  19. No I would stay home bored that night. Of course I'd go, that may be the only chance you get to see him.
  20. I'm pretty good actually, how are you?
  21. Yeah, I noticed that too. I think I should start Bonzo's right now. Then tomorrow I'll start Robert's that way I can be the first on to both of them.
  22. It was on the 3rd Vannis. Scarlett, it's John Paul Jones.
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