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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. I eating meat ravioli and garlic marinara sauce.
  2. I love that joke, I'm going to tell that to everyone.
  3. I sent like 3.75 or something for shipping but that's it. It's too bad you didn't get one. Not to rub it int, but they are really worth it. I'd check into it. Try to find out who was in charge and email someone about it.
  4. I'm so excited now. Jason Bonham the son of John Bonham and I have the same birthday. Aside from being in the presence of Robert Plant this is one of the most monumental things in my life. Well, not really but that sounds good.
  5. No way!! That is my birthday too! Well, the only difference is I was born in '93. I have never ehard of anyone having that as a birthday. WOOHOO! This is awesome. Okay, I got a bit carried away on the smilies but I can't help it.
  6. No I don't. I did watch it. Metallica was in there for some reason. I'm soooooo mad that Zep didn't win. G'N'R is a great band, but Zep should have one.
  7. lzfan715


    I had Cran Grape juice.
  8. Have a happy happy birthday and many more to come. Enjoy yourself, you've earned it. Thanks for so many great years of music.
  9. lzfan715


    Ehh. High points (like seeing Robert Plant) low points. (High school)
  10. I got mine. They only had like 1000 and it said as long as supplies last. That doesn't explain why they cashed your check though.
  11. Matt, you are my kind of kid. I own an ipod and I use it, it's good for travelling. However, I'd take a turntable anyday. I love mine and I use it all the time. I think the music quality is much better. I refuse to buy an individual song, I buy the entire album. I boycott itunes. I refuse to use. I will buy the cd if I have to have in on my ipod. Last year I bought maybe two cds. I listen to vinyl, I buy vinyl. For me, it's a much better sound medium.
  12. Great choice! I wish you the best of luck. My New Years Resolution, the get healthy thing. I opted to get a head start on Christmas Eve with my Wii Fit and I've already lost 4 pounds!
  13. That was a typo, and I did fix it. I do have better grammar than that. It does futher prove me point though.
  14. Robert has said that he was more concerned with girls than school work. I imagine that he was an average student. I think they were all very bright well read people, still are. That generation is very lucky, I think they have gotten one of the least educations of our times.
  15. Hold Me Tight- The Beatles I'm really a sucker for bubblegum love songs.
  16. Medhb is right. I think it would be best if you didn't talk. You need time to heal, and it will help. You have things to work though, and so does she. When you feel ready, and not needy about it then it's time to talk.
  17. The last book I bought was The Hippie Dictionary. Click Here It's really cool, I'm glad I bought it. I reccommend it to anyone who is interested in the era. It's full of information, and an interesting read.
  18. I watched The Breakfast Club today. I got it on DVD for Christmas. I love that movie.
  19. 15 years and a half. Going on 16 too. In short, I've always been single.
  20. About the same as being 15 and no boyfriend, just a year older. My resolution is to try and be more conscience of my health. I'm not very healthy, I'm not making this a lose weight thing I'm making it a be healthy thing.
  21. I completely agree. I know that many other drugs do horrible things but there are more alcohol related deaths than all the hard drugs combined. It tears up family, ruins lives, kills, poisons, it's just a terrible drug. It's completely legal, that is what gets me. It's socially acceptable. It's just like anything else, in moderation it's fine. I really don't care if people drink I just wish there was a better way to control it. My grandpa drinks all the time and I hate being around him when he is drunk. He is so mean and rude. One or two drinks is one thing, drinking to get trashed out of your mind is another.
  22. That's very true. I can't imagine going through life without knowing who my father was, or if I knew who he was not ever actually knowing him.
  23. There is no way to delete them that I know of. However you can just edit the post and put it was a double or triple post. It's really not a big deal, people do that all the time.
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