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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. I really really doubt that guy is Robert's son. I mean, he very well could be. He doesn't hold much resemblence to Robert though and all of Robert's (known) childen bear some of his appearance.
  2. Ham, cornbread, corn, biscuts, homemade mac and cheese. Yummy! My Nana is such a good cook.
  3. I saw 4 Chritsmases. It gets a little bit chick flicky at times. However the hippie grandma with the magic brownies is my favourite part of the entire movie.
  4. I got a Zeppelin Bar stool! It's awesome.
  5. I got an ihome, Zep barstool, stereo stand, and an Arlo Guthrie tshirt. Oh I also got Quadraphenia and I'm still waiting for Tommy. Both on vinyl.
  6. I also said it was part of the surrounding culture. Is this argument really worth it? It isn't to me, feel free to argue with yourself. I know what I meant, you know what you mean. Can we agree to disagree?
  7. The new version and the old version were meant to be different. Jimmy did this on purpose.
  8. If you had read my post, I said that I DON'T condone drug use. I don't use them, never have; and I wouldn't suggest them to anyone. They can potentially do more harm than they can good. It's a person's one choice for them to do drugs, I'm not going to preach to them the harm that drugs can bring, they know it. I won't be the one to get on a person unless they really are killing themselves. I don't encourage drug use, I don't agree with it. Just next time, please read my post. Also, McSeven: ITTOD was mostly created by an undrugged Zep. JPJ and Robert were the main creators of the albums. JPJ wasn't ever really into drugs, and this was after Robert gave drugs up because of Karac's death. Bonzo and Jimmy were rarely around to help because they were off on escapes with drugs. I don't know much about the drug usage during Presence. I know the album was being worked on with Robert in a wheelchair because of the accident.
  9. No one knows the the real story except for Jimmy himself. I think it means what it means, and that it's one of those things that will have a different meaning to each person.
  10. Have you by any chance looked around the forum? There are plenty of theards around here to find information. Jimmy has never told us what it actually meant. they are plenty of really good explanations around. None of them are sure things, but they are really good.
  11. Umm probably because it was the culture so why not take them? I don't condone drug use, drugs killed so many. It's just if everyone else is doing it, why shouldn't they?
  12. So Robert can't sing because he wasn't train? Then Jimmy isn't a guitar player because he was never formally trained. John Bonham must suck at drums becasue he taught himself. Janis Joplin, she must be terrible. Grace Slick too. If all these people are so bad why are they famous? And for you to say we insult people is really out of line. You just said Robert Plant isn't good enough to be called a singer. Oh yeah, Robert is also not a trademark. Neither is his voice.
  13. No problem. Some where there is an interview with Robert talking about her. I'll see if I can dig it up and I'll pm it to you.
  14. Happy Christmas! Hope everyone finds what they want under their tree!
  15. Of course they are my favourite band. For over a decade, since I could, well, talk.
  16. Easy, vinyl. I love the packaging, the sound difference, everything. People argue that cd's are so much more convient. Fine, take your convience. However, I am not a casual listener of music. If I want to listen to music that is what I intended to do, therefore I want it to sound the best that it possibly can.
  17. '75 is great. But so is early on in their careers. It just depends on what you like.
  18. Me too! I love dogs, they are just so wonderful. My dog Maggie is like my baby.
  19. This is slightly reverse, but I am looking for a picture of any member of Zep with Janis. I don't even know if such pictures exist. However I do know that Robert spent a lot of time with Janis. I'm not saying there was a relationship or anything of the type except they were friends, but he has refered to her as his fairy tour godmother.
  20. There are soooo many. I think my all time favourite is "If the sun refused to shine, I would still be lovin you"
  21. I saw somewhere you were contemplating a master's, no biggie, just come here and get one after you make up a few things.
  22. I'd go crazy. I'd know something was missing in my life, I just wouldn't know what. What would you do with a time machine?
  23. Here are my cites for my information: Sam's Post About Robert's Statement Press Statement on ROBERT'S site Are you looking for any other type of proof?
  24. Sorry for what? Your horrid grammar? You can say that it's from the people involved, but I think Robert is involved when Robert goes on tour. As a matter of fact, I'll find the information. I believe the press reports over your post. You may have heard that, but I believe that the press release is a bit more official.
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