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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. It's not cross-country only a few states. You'd have to put up with a few really stupid kids, but you'd have me. And my awesome friend Kat, you'd really like her.
  2. Oh you mean David Coverplant? Probably. He's just jealous of Robert's ability and gets choked up when he performsso that's there just in case.
  3. Despite nothing! You graduated from college, that is HUGE! That's bigger than huge that's like huge on an elephant's scale. You can come teach me English, my teacher uses our class like a second planning period. And she tries to discourage me from giving my opinion, but that's a long story.
  4. lzfan715


    I'm sorry to hear about this. My old guitar teacher had a thing similar to this, everything he heard had a tinny sound to it. I've only been to one concert, and it wasn't too loud. When I saw TSRTS in theaters it was much loud than Robert and Alison in concert. I will start wearing ear protection though, I don't want this to happen to me.
  5. Ummm.. Robert already told us he wasn't touring for at least another 2 years. Sounds like your souce is a little bit off because Robert gave us a press release.
  6. It's a whole steamin' 4 degree fahrenheit here. No snow, no ice, but the sun is out.
  7. Well, I'm glad to hear hear that he and Jimmy are still very close. I think that's wonderful. Am I happy that I will probably never see Zeppelin live? No, but I'll get over it. Am I happy that Robert is happy where he is? Of course and I don't want to stop him from what he is doing because I love seeing what other kinds of music he can come up with. IMHO I also think he could bring Allison on tour with Zep so she can sing The Battle of Evermore. They did it when I saw them and it was fantastic. Everyone else can bring their wives and he can bring Allison. Problem solved.
  8. I don't know actually. If I wasn't so lazy I'd go look. It's textured black and just says Jeff Beck on the cover in white. On Friday I bought the D cover of ITTOD now I only need B and my 3 year quest will be over!
  9. Yeah, it has been. They are all gone. Mandy still logs in, Celia, Mad, but I haven't seen Aqua in awhile.
  10. It is 14 fahrenheit, and my Nana came in and is complaining that it is ridiculously cold. And I quote, "It's a bitch out there."
  11. Those sound really awesome. I love the vintage style. I know it isn't accepted as proper fashioon now, but I don't mind.
  12. This song has been analyzed so many times over. You know what I think? I think it's a great song. It tells a story, but it's a story that is different to everyone. It's one of those open ended songs that lets your imagination soar. To each his own. Robert, JPJ, and Jimmy will let us know what Zoso, Stairway, and all the little things we try to figure out when it's time. When they want us to know, we will know and not a moment before.
  13. The rear? That's a new one on me. When I was younger, maybe 12, I had a pair that were dark wash denim and laced up the side of the hips for maybe four inches. Unfortunatly, I never got to wear them because my mum disapproved of them. They weren't really tight, and there was fabric under the lacing. I don't know why she hated them.
  14. I love the Doors! All music isn't for everyone. It's totally okay to not like a band. I dislike the Rolling Stones, but I can't stand Ted Nugent. I won't be around anyone who is playing his music. I detest it. Then there's what he said about Jimmy. Jimmy Page has it all over Ted Nugent, heck I think my dog could play better than Ted Nugent. I could probably teach it more chords than Ted Nugent knew existed. Okay, I'm done now. Those weren't nice things to say, but I had to say them.
  15. No, I don't mine are all the girly flair. I'm way too young to have vintage ones, and their are no good thrift shop. I do have a pair that look like vintage bell bottoms, and I love them, but they aren't real thing. I wear them with my cork and brown leather platforms.
  16. I got John Lennon: The Life for Christmas from a friend. I'm only just over 100 pages in and it really hasn't cast him as viscous yet. I just can't seem him as being that way. I'll update this the farther I get into the book though. It does goes really into detail about his life, and it makes me wonder how much is exactly true.
  17. We don't have any traditions anymore since my parents are divorced. It happens 9 years ago, but we had traditions then. We always opened presents in pajamas, and Santa's presents came last. I guess at my mom's the tradition is do'nt put the wrapping paper in the bag she says to. My brother and I leave it for the dog to play in because she loves it. At my dad's my Nana always has stockings for us to open.
  18. ledzeppelin.org has some stuff that you can listen to. I found Sugar Mama there. Otherwise just keep your eyes peeled for bootlegs and things of the sort.
  19. I have an ipod. I didn't really want one, but I'm glad I have it now. My mom gave it to me and said accept the change in times, no one listens to turntables, espeacially 15 y.o. It's convient for school because it's easier to hide than a walkman. I have gone through five sets of those dumb earbuds though. I keep blowing out the speakers. I really want a pair of head phones, the kind some people call cans but I'm too cheap to buy a good pair.
  20. The list is long, but I won't include Zeppelin ones. Spinal Tap Festival Express Janis: The Way She Was That movie rocked, you have to see it. Fly Jefferson Airplane The Doors With Val Kilmer, he portrayed Jim very well IMHO. Tommy The Who Help!: The Beatles Monterrey Pop was pretty good. Woodstock I have a whole lot more movies waiting for me in Netflix so I"m sure this list will get longer. The next movie to come is Spinal Tap 2.
  21. I don't know who exactly is in there and who isn't. I do know that Madonna is in there, and I think that is the biggest load of bull I have ever heard. What did she do for rock music? Establish what it isn't? I do not like Madumba one bit. (sorry about the pun there, I thought it was funny when it popped into my head. Maybe it's just because I'm a teenager who finds such things funny.) Her stuff is also in the Hard Rocks, I know because I saw it, right by John Bonham's drum, that I touched even though the sign said no touching. I simply couldn't resist the urge.
  22. Congatulations Mandy! Now you can come replace my English teacher who does nothing! Those pictures were wonderful, and you look so happy.
  23. Today has been a good day. I got a 90% B+ on my Chemistry final, got another cover of ITTOD. I have all the covers but B now. Watching movies with Daddy, realising Christmas is only 5 days away. Ahhhh, it's been a good day.
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