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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. I answered this elsewhere. But most of you will never know where! (TE-HE)
  2. I hope you are doing better! And otherwise it looks like you had a nice vacation.
  3. So basically you are saying that you think everyone who believe in any type of religion is stupid. However, it is terribly ignorant of you to make such assumtion because there are many religions that accept the things you listed and unlike you they aren't judgemental of people.
  4. lzfan715


    Yes, you must be 21. It makes me mad because at 18 you can go fight in a war and die but you can't have a beer. I don't drink, but it does make me mad that the ages are like that. It doesn't bother me to wait till I'm 21.
  5. That's her. Also about the Nobs thing, it happened in the '69 but she saw them again. I'm positive of it. I could be wrong, I don't want to sound like I'm always right, but I think that's how it went.
  6. The Baroness Von Zeppelin. She liked them until she heard their music and saw the cover of Zep 1. She thought it was rude and not politically correct for them to depic that on an album. She threatened them that they couldn't use her famiy name, and that's why for one concert they went on as The Nobs.
  7. This kid is really dumb. He is just talk, and it's not even real talk if you just listen to him. My favourite quote from him is "I'm against all types of government. 'We should run things for the people by the people.'" He even said it in a history/government class. I thought what an idiot.
  8. Happy Birthday John! You are my favourite Beatle.
  9. I think I know the one you are talking about. Robert ahs his arm around Karac trying to get him to look up? It's really a touching photo.
  10. I'm just an American but I say Plant, and it rhymes with ant.
  11. I said Robert, then Jim Morrison. Roger Daltrey may have gotten my vote, but he wasn't in the second list.
  12. Churches are allowed to kick you out? That's harsh. I go to church twice a month, on th Sundays I"m with Mom. My church makes me mad, they talk about how horrible other religions are, but can't back themselves up information on why. Like my preacher was trash talking Buddhist, so I asked him if he knew what the Buddhist believe in. He reply was that they are immoral. My dad is Buddhist, and I studied Buddism my freshmen year for World History, and I really handed it to my preacher. I don't care if he doesn' tlike the religion, but he should at least know what he is talking about. Next ime I go we are discussing Wicca. That should be interesting.
  13. How could you say something like that? Do you no compassion? No conscience? I think it's terrible that they were going to take away that lady's house. But I find it even worse that she was going to shoot herself over such a matter. Don't people have any kindness left? It's horrible that the world is coming to what it is.
  14. It doesn't mean anything. I go to school with a kid who owns like three Zep shirts and doesn't know who they are. He gets no brownie points with me. New Kids On The Block are still bad.
  15. lzfan715


    I don't have a set religion. But this thread will turn out interesting.
  16. I don't know if I"ll be back here by tomorrow, but tomorrow is October 4. 38 years ago Janis Joplin died. My best wishes to Micheal and Laura along with everyone who felt the loss of of her.
  17. I'm part of the under 30 crowd, but I'm not as lucky as you'd like to think. Sure, I have internet access for my reports, and the computer to type with instead of a typewriter. But guess what? I use books to do my papers. I have a cell phone, but I hardly use it. Iwill talk to people who text me or call, but I almost never text or call first. If you want to talk television, I watch VH1 Classic Rock, and TVLand. If I want to watch a good show I dig out the VHS copies of The Monkees, or the Beatles movies. I have cable in my room at my mom's and my dad's. I rarely ever use it, I have a DVD in both rooms too. Want to know what I watch on those DVD players? The Song Remians The Same, Led Zeppelin DVD, Alice's Restaurant, etc. Something else, you had the oppurtunity to see AMAZING bands in concert. All I have is those DVD's. No stories to tell. Other had the ability to go see TSRTS or Rocky Horror in theaters. I didn't. None of your friends thought it was weird that you had a turntable. Mine do. Rap music didn't even exsist, but my generation can't believe there was a time that it didn't exsist. The generations of the 60s and 70s were filled with well read people, not my generation. They hate to read and think. Taht's why the world is coming to where it is. So you think I have it better off than you did, but you had experiences I'd kill for. You could go out and play without worry of things like kidnapping. I deal with that all the time. I have approx. 300 channels, you had 3. You had intellegent people, I have a machine that I can hardly work. I will give you all the extra technology that I have if I can have all the things you ahd growing up. Edited to say: I don't play video games, and I'll take my vinyl over your illegal mp3s any day.
  18. I like Led Zeppelin 4: The Story of the Album. It's a little brown book, and very good. If you get Hamemr Of The Gods, don't take any of it seriously.
  19. '75. It was a good year for hair for the Zep boys. Example 2) Robert's hair in Earl's Court.
  20. I don't think you quite understand, you were upset because Del is calling names. How did you respond? By calling Del names. That is a very childish way to fight. It is also a hypicritical thing to do. I'm not calling you a child, or a hypocrite. I think that it would just be in your best interest if you were upset by something to not repremand that person by doing the exact same that upet you. Quite honestly, it doesn't make you look any more mature. Edited: And your above comment is very rude, and no better than Del's. You are doing anything but making yourself look any more intellegent.
  21. You beat me! But I have pictures. 1. Click on my controls at the top of the page. 2. click on edit signature on the side of the page: 3.In the box put what you want, and click on save located right below the box:
  22. I try not to get my mouth into things, but: You just accused Del to of name calling, only to follow up by calling him a name. You are both adults, can you please fight like it? I'm not lying blame on either of you, but please. I didn't see all of the debate last night, can someone please fill me in on why McCain was talking about Russians? That was the inly part I saw, and I didn't see all of it.
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