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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. On the show Supergroup, I felt like Even and Sebastian kind of took advantage of their wives with that picture thing. However, I think it's fantastic the way he treats her, and he does in fact love her and treats like it too.
  2. I know exactly what you went through, I've gone through it EVERYDAY of my high school career. Be proud to be who you are, unique people are so rare and so beautiful for it. People don't like people who aren't like them, or are different. It's a shame too. You want to know something? Amist all the people who say horrible things are some people who know better and they are going to be your best friends. I don't have a lot of friends, but I have the best friends I could ever ask for. I can count them on my hands, but I can't count how many times we've been there for each other, how many times we've laughed together, and how many times we just sit and have entire conversations without saying a word. Those are the people to look for, don't worry about anyone but you. If it continues look for something positive and know you aren't alone. I read Love, Janis 4 times my freshman year because I could relate to Janis's stories. I tried so desperatly to fit in, but I couldn't. I'm different, but that's what makes me who I am. Don't be ashamed of who you are, embrace yourself!
  3. I hope it's true. I will give my college fund to go see them, it means that much to me. Anyway, don't get your hopes up, it could just be a hoax.
  4. I was born afterwards, but I remember finding out he had died. I told my dad that I wanted to be a roadie for Led Zeppelin. Then he said They aren't a band. Bonzo died a long time ago. I was probably 4 when I found out. I cried.
  5. I hate to sound ignorant, but exactly do Pagans believe? I live in a small town and if you aren't Christian people look down on you. I really am interested, I'm looking a spiritual/religious belief that works for me so I'm up to hearing it.
  6. I've not been around for awhile, but this is a pleasant surprise to return to.
  7. I love putting white choclate chips in my traditional chex mix. It's delicious.
  8. I don't recalling doing anything to you. I dont' like most of them as well, but they aren't all bad.
  9. I always think of them being in Zeppelin, but with the teenage generation, as sad as I am too associate myself with this, they don't know who Robert Plant is, or Jimmy Page, or JPJ. They also have never heard of Led Zeppelin, so they can't associate them.
  10. You will find out soon enough. Don't over think it.
  11. 5 hours left here! Oh wait, it's already tomorrow in Austalia. Does that mean they get to live a day longer than us here in the States? That isn't fair. I want one more day. Ah, well. It's Robert's fault. I failed a test in Chemistry and made some off handed remark about how Robert was at fault and only the teacher understood the joke.
  12. Led Zeppelin became a band 40 years ago. That's a long time. Things have changed, you can't go back in time. You can't redo the past. It's not possible. Even if there is a Zeppelin reunion of you people still won't be happy. It's because you are NEVER satisfied. I"m wuite happy with Robert's efforts with Alison, I'm glad he's happy where he's at. Let's all ponder something about life, at the end of the day what really matters to anyone? Whether or not they are happy where they are in life. It's quitte obvious that Robert is concent, so let's leave him that way.
  13. I went to see House Bunny. Definatly not my kind of movie. If you are into chick flicks, I reccomend that you see it.
  14. 1)Physical Graffiti. Not my favourite Zep album, but more power for a longer time. 2)Pearl- Janis Joplin 3)Surrealistic Pillow- Jefferson Airplane 4)The White Album- The Beatles 5)The Doors
  15. I"m still very optimisitc about this. Jason felt Foreigner for a reason, yeah, we may not know the real one like Aqua said, but maybe we aren't supposed to.
  16. I don't buy that 2012 thing. We've got a long time before the end of the world. I also think that we could extend the time of the world, but people don't want to make it better. I think most of it has to do with the wars. I also feel that John Lennon was right when he said that if we demanded peace instead of another tv set we'd have peace.
  17. I love this song! My favourite part of TSRTS is when Robert "It is the springt-ime of my lovin'". I love the way he breaks up time.
  18. Reminds me of a billboard in Alice's Restaurant- "Keep America beautiful- cut your hair." Don't ever change your apperance because someone tells you to, unless it's a safety or health hazard. It's just hair. If you like it, leave it, and more power to you.
  19. I don't care. Robert Plant has a goatee thing, and I think it looks great. People who go clean shaven look just fine too.
  20. Oh no. The end of the world. Let's blame Robert again!
  21. then who is? And I said, all of the above for the most obvious reasons.
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