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Everything posted by redrum

  1. Just watched 'Vertigo' considered Hitchcock's best film. Kim Novak is gorgeous as the redhead. Watching 'The Birds' tonight.
  2. Same here. It's an addiction. The other night we were watching a movie and I saw something moving on the floor that looked like a tarantula or something. Come to find it was a small frog that had got inside and it was totally covered in dog hair and dust bunnies. It looked so weird. So we put it in a bowl of water and proceeded to give him a 'haircut'. He was fine after that and we let him go out in the yard.
  3. redrum

    Found Money

    One time I was fishing in Bodega Bay and there was a guy on the rocks casting his line out as there was some paper money floating out with the tide. He didn't get any of it. Kinda funny (where did it come from?) but I was there to fish.
  4. Watching some classics of late: 'Murders In The Rue Morgue' w/Bela Lugosi 'The Raven' w/Karloff & Lugosi
  5. I'm watching the making of 'THE BIRDS' and 'PSYCHO'.
  6. Just watched 'The Partisans Of Vilna' and the making of the last unfinished film of Marilyn Monroe with the famous nude swimming scene. She had a hot bod at 36 for sure. She will be forever beautiful.
  7. redrum

    Found Money

    Vegas sucks! (I know, I lived there for almost a year)
  8. I love that REAL animation compared to the computer generated junk these days.
  9. I'm learning Bach's 'Toccata' on classical guitar. I love it when I figure out the fingering and slowly advance to the next bar. The song was featured in Disney's 'Fantasia' and I'm sure you all have heard it one time or another.
  10. Seeing a small bronze monument of a camera and a bench in honor of a local photographer and picture framer named James Kelly who died from cancer. I donated a bit of money to the project and it was nice to see it finally in place. Kelly also served in Vietnam at Cu-Chi the same time that my brother was there though they didn't know each other. He did know of the 'Wolfhounds' which my brother was and he said they were some of the baddest dudes there. Kelly was an artillery man. R.I.P. bud.
  11. redrum

    Found Money

    This is true. Last night I watched COPS and they caught a guy in Vegas taking money out of the Mirage fountain. He told them he had too much pride to panhandle but they made him throw all the coins back in and told him to leave. Less than 5 minutes later they caught him again and yep, he went to jail. I didn't really see it as a big deal since the fountain had tons of coins in it and it's not like the Mirage was losing anything for cripes sake.
  12. redrum

    Found Money

    It seems these days that everyone is either hanging on to their money or they just don't have any.
  13. Something I haven't had in a long time. Lumpias. Good stuff. http://lumpias.com
  14. redrum

    Found Money

    A tale of two wallets. When I was about 11 or so me and a friend were in San Francisco walking up a steep hill when 2 guys on a motor scooter took off up the hill and the guy on the back his wallet fell out. We ran up yelling for them to stop but he just turned around and waved and they kept on going. Now the right thing to have done then would have been to turn the wallet in but when we saw the money that all went out the window. It was about 70 bucks and we went on a spending spree and were eventually busted for taking the money. I can't really remember what happened to us but it probably wasn't good. Later on in the 90's I went to the post office in California and there was a line of course, but I saw a woman's billfold on the counter. People were just walking by it and I decided to grab it. It had $140 in cash plus all her credit cards, ID, etc. When I got home I got her number and called her to tell her I found her wallet and for some reason she didn't even seem to care or didn't show much enthusiasm. So I took it to her work (the hospital) and she gave me $40 for returning it. At the time I was making good money so the $140 didn't really mean much to me. So I did my good deed that day. Another time I was riding the old electric bus in SF and I was sitting in the back seat. Those old seats could be removed real easy and I did just that out of curiosity and under the seat was a joint and a one dollar bill. Amazing!! I got stoned and then had money to satisfy the munchies.
  15. redrum

    Found Money

    I'll bet the cops divided it up among themselves.
  16. redrum

    Found Money

    And don't forget all the money thrown into fountains.
  17. redrum

    Found Money

    One time I was at a motorcycle swap meet and I looked down and saw a 20 dollar bill all folded up. I reached down and picked it up and when I'd walked a ways I unfolded it and it was one of those 'Have You Found Jesus?' messages. They were probably watching me too.
  18. redrum

    Found Money

    I'm figuring most of us have found some money at one time or another. I'll tell some of my finds. When I was a little kid (about 6 or 7) I was outside our house one day and I found a 20 dollar bill. I was so excited that I started yelling: I FOUND TWENTY DOLLARS!! I FOUND TWENTY DOLLARS!! I ran upstairs and showed my Mother and she was already thinking of keeping most of it but I remember she took me downtown to buy me a huge metal bomber airplane at Penneys. Another time I was about 10 and i found 10 bucks on the corner of 18th and Castro Sts. in San Francisco. I couldn't believe it and ran to the five and dime to get myself a Duncan Superem yo-yo and then across the stree to get an extra large softy cone at the ice cream shop. Just up the street from there they used to have the old paper racks with metal tubes that you'd drop coins in for the newspaper. well, one of them was abandoned and the lock had been removed. I walked by it one day and stuck my finger up the tube and lo and behold about $1.50 came sliding out right into my hand. I immmediately ran to the five and dime again and got another yo-yo. Over the years I've found a bity of money here and there but the strangest one was i had to take a bus to a medical clinic and there was no one on it but me. Bored I leaned forward to rest my arms on the back of the seat in front of me and when I looked down there were 2 one dollar bills laying on the seat. Got myself some coffee with that one. Found any money?
  19. Usually around this time (noon on the west coast) I'm watching COPS! On Sunday nights at 1 AM they show 'The Shield'.
  20. Reading 3 books: On Whale Island The Last 7 Months Of Anne Frank Walking The Gobi About to start 'JARHEAD'
  21. Coming to the Redrum Classic Film Theater: The Picture Of Dorian Gray (1945) Sahara (1943) Pride Of The Marines (1945) Films start at 7 PM Admission $5 Cheap Popcorn
  22. I hear you man. Most of the Hollywood crap is just that. If I was rich I'd open my own theater and show nothing but classics. 'Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up now!'
  23. They may still live there.
  24. I used to think Godzilla was real.
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