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Everything posted by Sammy-frenchie

  1. Shit ! This is BULLSHIT ! Page was the prince of the good sound ! It's a pity that this concert was ruined with Feedback ! I attend recently 2 concerts of Plant & Strange Sensations and it was pretty good ! The concert in Lyon was ABSOLUTELY great (thank you Plant for saying "I will live in France now : Tony Blair sold my cpuntry to G.W.Bush !", so funny !!!) ! I saw Page & Plant, with Jason in Paris in 1999 and they were REALLY GOOD ! So...what happened ? I know the answer : there are just like in the old times...they are bullshit one night out of 3 ! Mistake is human, you know. And finally, it is good to know that they can failed sometimes !!!! Anyway, thank you Robert for being always so friendly ! I don't think that you are the better musician of this band, but you are definitely the one I prefer ! (even if Jason seems to be great also : I was amazed by his capacity to play his father's solo as a last song in Bercy 1999...absolutely marvellous !)
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