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Posts posted by MrZoSo

  1. As much as I like Bonzo. Ginger doesn't need to suck on anything he pisses all over him.

    The only thing Ginger pisses on his himself. It's not really rational to compare these two other than someone desperate for accolade, and bitter his talent has not gotten enough recognition. Great drummer, but he did not exactly change the world, and no one is going to miss him.

  2. Well, I didn't read it that way, but to be fair, we all read through our own lenses.

    Well that I can never answer you for sure, ;) but my take on this it is that he's making the point that terrorism existed before 9/11. I was in North America when 9/11 happened, and in discussions after the event I was shocked that many people didn't even consider the IRA attacks to have been acts of terrorism. I lived through the fear and horror that those acts inflicted in the UK for 30 years. Earlier in this thread I was told that if 9/11 had happened in my back yard, I might feel differently about it. I think Dan is pointing out that that goes both ways. My take, and Dan will probably disagree!

    You're right - that IS a fact.

    Now I think I'll go to more pleasant threads. See ya there! :beer:

    Knebby, I understand you position/point as you had made it earlier in the thread. I think Danny's was full of arrogance, ignorance, hate, jealously, inaccurate information, with a smattering of "you will get yours" thrown in for good measure, as compared to yours which was one seeking acknowledgement for atrocities of terrorism exist other than OBL, and 9/11.

    Big difference.

    Always happy to talk with you on any subject. I know that disagreeing with you will be met with conviction, but also respect. Something you cannot say for everyone.

  3. Danny and I don't really get along, but that isn't what has been happening here at all. Dan has been repeating the point that Americans - among others, and he has mentioned those others several times - funded the IRA and their terrorist activities - that's a FACT - look up NORAID.

    That does NOT mean that he is blaming all of America and all Americans, or that he is blaming them for everything the IRA ever did. (And I know that isn't exactly what you're saying Elizabeth)

    No, he said America...Then corrected it, and it's been repeated over and over again that private citizens of the US, and many other countries funded the IRA. Danny want's America to take responsabliity for not stopping it BEFORE 9/11. What point is Danny trying to make???

    As a nation, The US does not support the IRA, that's a fact.

  4. Its over between us, I'm sick of your Ignorance and I do not wish to debate with you any more, YOU GOT IT?

    Regards, Danny

    It's over??? I love you too Wiki-boy. And he didn't even buy me dinner! :o Brilliant observation on the civil war BTW...You must have talked with both sides of the fence on that one also... :rolleyes:

  5. Mr Zoso, I dont hold your country guilty alone, I thought I made that crystal clear a few posts ago, as I told Steve, you need to brush up on your History if you are going to debate me because I know what I am talking about, I have also spoken to people from both sides of the fence and I have a lot of sympathy for both sides.

    But if you want to circle the wagons and deny your country contributed to the troubles that is your perogative and your IGNORANCE of a very complicated matter, which is in all probability beyond you to understand. IS THAT CLEAR ENOUGH? GUILTY AS CHARGER

    I dont think, I know Muslims send money back home,here they do the same and call it a Religious Tax but I know much of it goes to Terrorist Activities, same as Money Collected in the USA which is destined for the IRA, you may not like it but that is how it is, there is blood on many hands whether you like it, admit it or agree with it, its a bloddy mess and we are all to blame in some way or other.

    12% of Americas population is from Irish stock, 36 million in total, the best thing they could do is keep their noses out of what is an Irish problem, let the Irish sort it out, and if the North wants to stay with England then thats their perogative isnt it? its what you guys fought a civil war over isnt it?

    Regards, Danny

    Danny, again pointless. You have absolutely NO proof other than some lame wiki links. A wise man uses wiki for reference, a moron uses it for fact. History? That was not your statement Danny...You are constantly backtracking. You issues was Why did America fund IRA terrorists. For some reason, you want to ignore a factual statement. They did not. You have issues my friend far beyond my capabilities I must admit.

    Former POTUS Bill Clinton in 2000 makes huge progress for peace in Northern Ireland. This is a fact Danny, and it's before 9/11.

  6. Funding from the IRA came from all over the globe. It's very feasible US citizens did send funding. You cannot blame a government or a country as a whole for a few. This is a completely irrelevant debate as you can literally point the finger at anyone and make a strong case. Now, saying the US (Government) knowingly funded IRA terrorists up until 9/11 and then stopped is an interesting observation made by a small minded group of people who cannot see past there own face. You cannot hold an entire nation responsible for a small few with political/emotional ties back in there homeland...You don't think American Muslims send monies back home? IS THAT CLEAR ENOUGH?

  7. So I'm to understand Irish Americans, the United States government & their security forces (?) are to blame in part for the troubles? Dan, the origins of the troubles date back to the 16th century - the United States didn't even exist! It's undoubtedly true some Irish Americans have provided moral and financial support to boths sides of the political conflict, but that neither mandates nor equates to terrorism. Blame for the terrorist tactics that have been employed should be placed squarely where it belongs - on the people who engage in it. Northern Ireland is a failed political entity requiring change and the sooner both sides accept that the better for everyone.

    Hey you know what, Good post Steve. I also respect your opinion. I am learning a lot here... ;)

  8. Hi MrZoso,

    I did say "America" and by that I mean the people not the government, although your government let it happen and procured arms through the CIA, to answer the rest I would point you towards my signature.

    The Catholic Irish population of Northern Ireland had everyright to defend their communities when they were attacked by the Protestans of Northern Ireland. The British sent in the Army to safeguard the Catholics and from then on it were wrong, both sides were to blame but maybe the British Government were the most to blame as they should have known that those two communities would never get along in a million years.

    The only way to keep the peace in Northern Ireland is to either give it back to Southern Ireland, something that the Southern Irish do not want because of the finantial implications of how much it would cost in social security payments, or expel all the Catholics to the south.

    The Catholics lost all credibility when their "self defence" turned in to mass murder, and I lay some of the blame squarely at the door of Irish Americans their Government and their security forces, and thats why I am so passionate at letting Americans know that Terrorism started way before 9/11 and in some ways they helped to fuel it.

    Thats my position and where I stand.

    Regards, Danny

    Good post Danny. I respect your opinion.

  9. Hi Mr Zoso,

    I said "Americans" funded the IRA not the US Government, but they allowed it to go on and would do nothing to stop it therefore becoming COMPLICITE in the TERRORISM those funds were used for. Just as guilty as "Hole in the head" there then, so your President would be, as head of your country just as guilty as "Hole in the head" in any sane persons book then? is that right?

    Your just full of excuses aren't you, Proud Irish? what's to be proud of? killing 3000+ innocent civilians, just goes to show that Young Nations are as Ignorant as Young People, but being Young is no excuse for Bad Behaviour, didn't your Parents teach you anything except how to dodge questions?

    Regards, Danny

    Actually Danny you said America. If you wish to call my answer excuses, do what thou wilt. The youth of America comment was a general statement, not intended for an answer to your question. The rest of your point is a concoction of whatever issue you are caring around in your head. You are trying to blame America, (and now all of a sudden, it's citizens) for a terrorist group that you feel Americans funded. Can't help you with that Dan. Honestly, I cannot be held responsible to give you factual answers, just my opinion. So it remains the same, the US government did not support the IRA. Best I can do Danny. While I won't say it's the most far fetched statement you are making, I just don't see any truth in it other than your misguided conviction to point a finger.

    I am not Irish, so I have no idea what they are proud of. It's a term used by Irish people. It's my understanding they did not get along with your Country...Not sure why, as everyone else has always gotten along so well with your Country in the past. :unsure:

    Also, I take no offence to your personal jabs because I realize some need to act this way to compensate for lack of self esteem.

    I will say this, you have excellent taste in music!


  10. PPPS, Who are the Meek anyway? ain't seen any round my way for millennia.

    We left you in the dust a long time ago. if you'd have checked your rear view mirror you'd have gotten a glimpse as we strode past.

  11. Depends on which side of the fence you are sitting Steve, America in many peoples eyes are the Worlds Biggest Terrorists Organisation, and have killed a hundred times more innocent civilians than all the Official Terrorist Cells put together, that's certainly a fact.

    And lets not forget that Bin Laden was a Freedom Fighter armed and equipped by the CIA long before he was labeled a Terrorist, he didn't change his beliefs only his Enemy, from the USSR to the USA, America only stopped funding the IRA AFTER 9/11. It makes me wonder sometimes who are the more Moral, the Terrorists or the State Terrorists.

    Regards, Danny

    Funny analogy because many consider the IRA freedom fighters...Besides, show me proof it was the US government funding the IRA... Lots of proud Irish people who prospered in the US would have been suspect perhaps? Who knows.

    Ben Loaden was not labeled a terrorist, ole hole in the head was self proclaimed. Hole in the heads feelings got hurt when his country/homeland wanted the US to help with an issue instead of hole in the heads army, which was offered, and refused.

    So ole hole in the head... headed out and hooked up with the tailiban as he was banished from his home, and ole hole in the head held a grudge he needed to address...He then had to show his people he was right, so he decided to kill innocent people in the name of God to make his point. That also did not work out.

    People believe lots of things... Elvis is alive, Hitler was alive...Bin loaden is alive, Virgins are waiting for them in heaven for blowing up themselves and innocent people up. We can only do the best we can with what we've got, and if that means being looked at in an unfavorable manner by some, well then so be it. The US is a young nation, learning as we go.

    We have, and will make mistakes. For the most part our theory of freedom has been working well. The entire wold benefits from this belief. That's certainly is a fact.

  12. Never forget the sacrifice our Armed Forces made to keep the entire world a safe place from tyranny. Unified, Uniformed brothers in arms.

    Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force! You are about to embark upon a great crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty loving people everywhere march with you. In company with our brave Allies and brothers in arms on other fronts, you will bring about the destruction of the German war machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of Europe, and security for ourselves in a free world.

    Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle hardened, he will fight savagely.

    But this is the year 1944! Much has happened since the Nazi triumphs of 1940-41. The United Nations have inflicted upon the Germans great defeats, in open battle, man to man. Our air offensive has seriously reduced their strength in the air and their capacity to wage war on the ground. Our home fronts have given us an overwhelming superiority in weapons and munitions of war, and placed at our disposal great reserves of trained fighting men. The tide has turned! The free men of the world are marching together to victory!

    I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full victory!

    Good Luck! And let us all beseech the blessings of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.

    -- Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower

  13. I have to disagree with you again with your generlizations and analogies as i dont feel my country was misrepresented at all by people going to the White House or Ground Zero peacefully and lawfully demonstrating their freedon of expression. What would have bothered me if it did turn violent or if the police and military decided that it was inappropiate for them to be there and broke it up. To provide another example of this is even though i dont agree with the people who are peacefully and lawfully demonstrating against a Mosque being built near Ground Zero, i still feel it is appropiate behavior for them to express themselves as long as it is done peacefully and lawfully. I just feel very strongly that as soon as people start deaming what is appropiate and what isnt appropiate behavior in terms of what is appropiate to express oneself in my book is a form of censorship and more often then not leads to oppression to where one is forced to suppress one's feelings and for the people who cannot control that anger will often turn violent in order to be heard. i.e OBL felt it was inappropiate for Americans troops to be on the ground in Saudi Arabia in the 1st Iraq war and his offer of his troops to the Saudi Arabian government was refused thusfore started his resentment and fueled his hatred towards the U.S.A and if i was to take an educated guess he was probably forbidden to express this anger in a peaceful demonstration against the Saudi goverment. I for one do not want to live or be part of a society where people are discouraged to voice themselves in any form of communication. Again i might not agree but still believe that it is not only their right as an American but as a human being. Now i am not saying that you are for any of this but only stating that the words(Sickening, Unpatriotic etc etc) you are using and the analogies( student riots, drunken hoolagins at a sporting event) you are giving are INAPPROPIATE as those people down at Ground Zero and the White House represented very well what America stands for and i for one am very proud of the way the majority of them acted peacefully, lawfully and very patriotic. Now you have every right to express you were dissapointed bcz you see it as celebration of a man dying which is so not how i see it as America doesnt even celebrate the executions of serial killers in the USA but more of a celebration of someone who represented and chose to be a symbol of hate and evil .Afterall we brought a man to justice who declared war on the USA and commited ACTS of WAR not only in my country but many others as well of innocent people in which when he declared war stated he would do. America never rejoices or glorifies in the deaths of any innocent people here or abroad whether its in a conflict or not. At least i have never seen it.

    Please also remember that any attack whether it happens in your backyard or mine affects people all over the world and not just the place of where the attack happened. As i can assure as i was helping and assisting with the recovery effort in NYC with not only New Yorkers, not only Americans but people of all faiths and nationalities as 9/11 was just not an attack on New Yorkers, not just America as there were over 50 countries that day that lost citizens but it was an attack on the American freedoms in which is 1 of the big reasons why people all over the world come to sometimes because they were not allowed to express themselves in the countries in which they came from., so i say to the people of the world please see our people who went to White House or Ground Zero when they heard the news that this man who clearly MisRepresents so many oppressed people in many countries and was no longer to spread his hatred as they were a fine example of how to peacefully and lawfully demonstrate in a non violent way their freedom to express themselves whether you feel it is appropiate or not doesnt matter as that is the American WAY!

    Great post.

  14. Hey fella. I may go too far but it is because I have strong convictions (and I stand by all of them).

    I proudly say what I think, feel and mean, Just because you or anyone else does not agree with what I say, that is not my problem. After all, this is a "forum".

    The definition of forum is: "A meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged".

    Does that comprehend with you, fella?

    And, by the way, I have no idea what you mean by I "will be removed by a higher authority". If you mean that I am going to be killed by God for posting my convictions, than I think that you may need more help than YOU think that I do.

    As usual, I am ready and eager to read what you and others may say or think about my comments. Say what you will and disparage me and try to denigrate me. Yours are only words from "anonymous" people, that I do not know and do not care to meet.

    Clearly, you did not comprehend the statement I made. Calling someone stupid and ignorant was the issue. Not your opinion. (which I have no interest in.) As pointed out, if you are unable to debate without calling people names you will be removed from this forum. Not by God, (I can't believe this needs to be pointed out) but by the forum moderators.

  15. Are you fucking stupid and ignorant?

    The aim of the mission was to find, capture and/or kill Osama bin Laden. Found him, he resisted capture and "WE" killed him.

    The second aim (in my opinion) was to positively and absolutely identify this dead terrorist as bin Laden. I think the Navy Seals would have hung around long enough to get confirmation from both D.C. and Langley (CIA). Remember, all this was happening and being relayed back and forth in "real-time". How long do you think it would take for them to take dozens of pictures of a dead bin Laden with an ultra high-tech, above state-of-the-art digital Navy Seals camera? My guess would be no more than a minute or two (IF that). After all, they were not taking pictures with a fucking Polaroid camera.

    I think that you should look in the mirror before criticizing other members who You say seem to cause problems for others. I seem to think that You and a couple of others (electrophile, knebby and jahfin) are the ones causing or starting shit with alot of us. If all of you can dish it out, I assume you can take it. I am positive that alot of others would agree with me.

    Let me say that I realize I could be completely wrong with what I think. However, I do read alot and most of what I typed was from different newspapers and various new organizations along with my own thoughts, opinions and interjections.

    You go to far fella. Learn to communicate on a respectful level or you will be removed by a higher authority.

  16. One of the most obvious fakes of all.

    Bin Laden's lower face and beard is chopped (and quite poorly, at that - look at the drastic change in skin tone/color) onto the photo of some other dead guy on the left...


    from the photo below (flipped to match the orientation of the source photo), one of the most commonly available images of him.



    These are the closest I've seen that look somewhat more believable, but there's no way of knowing.

    First problem is it's reported he was shot above left eye, this shows right eye, unless the photo was flipped by accident.

    I certainly haven't been able to find any available photos of Bin Laden like this, with the somewhat clipped beard on his cheek.

    But this one has that troubling white blob where the eye should be that looks very unrealistic.


    The one below is much more graphic, click link only if you aren't easily disturbed by graphic images...


    Neither is probably genuine, but as mentioned earlier, authentic shots of Saddam's hanging got out, and no doubt phonecam pics were taken at the scene in this case, as well.

    Green picture is a fake also.

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