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Everything posted by Roxie

  1. I just tried getting Toronto tickets with the pre-sale password for the previous dates. TM is saying its not a valid password. I've been trying for the past half hour with the same message. I'm pissed.
  2. Dallas 1975: "Whatever happened to The Butter Queen? She got cheap and started using margerine".
  3. Too funny Sunray - I did the same thing before I left work today!
  4. I haven't gotten any emails at all, either from RP's site, RP/AK's site, and even Ticketmaster and Pollstar which I find a bit odd, since I was getting them for the 1st leg of the tour. But at least all the info is here, thankfully.
  5. Love it... thanks Knebby! Those pics are fantastic. Makes me want to get that issue even more.
  6. Spacewoman - you are the Screencap Queen! These are BEAUTIFUL.
  7. Roxie

    Robert and Maureen?

    Dammit. I was at that CMW conference, but at the time I wasn't into Zep, so I probably just walked on by Peter Grant's part in it. I did see some of the highlights recently on the Much Music special "The Story Of Led Zeppelin".
  8. Roxie

    Robert and Maureen?

    I think I know the one you're talking about.
  9. I'm hoping there will still be more dates to be announced. I haven't looked at the complete itinerary, but I'm sure there are still empty days where they can fit in some more cities. Considering the popularity of the album and the fact that certain shows are selling out, I'm sure they'd want to get to as many cities as they can... or at least the major ones. I woud have to agree that paying the higher priced ticket doesn't always get you too close to the stage, at least in my experience. But that's just through Ticketmaster. If you're willing to pay the extra money for other ticket options, then being close to the stage is highly possible. That would be my route for this tour for sure.
  10. Another fave of mine is from 1975 (St. Louis or Vancouver - right now I can't remember which). Jimmy has something - not sure what - on stage and Plant says "ohhh who's the lucky girl??? Jimmy has that, and all I have is this pencil, perhaps it's because it's made of LED! Oohhhhhhhh" All he needed was Bonzo to do the "bada bah" thing with the drums after, and it would've been perfect!
  11. I'd have to go with Blueberry Hill '70 or Earl's Court May 25th. I'm just glad there's a visual of the Earl's Court one at least.
  12. Thanks Eternal Light! Appreciate that! It is a bit pricey, but still cheaper than other bands playing the same venue. Rush is playing there the week before, and according to Ticketmaster they're priced at $119.50.
  13. One day after my bday! Thanks for posting this! Has the pre-sale info been announced for these shows? I didn't get an email from any of the RP sites yet.
  14. I checked last week for this issue, but all I was able to find was the previous month's issue. Hopefully this week it will be out here in Canada. Thanks for posting the link Miss H! That's a great pic of him.
  15. My absolute favorite! I love watching this part during TSRTS. 2 Roberts....... please and thank you.
  16. Roxie

    Band Photos

    I just noticed that (after it was mentioned ) - too funny! But I would definitely agree !
  17. I'm curious to know what Robert did with all his jeans (the ones with the patches) from the 70's. Those things would be in fashion now. Maybe I'll just try to make a replica.
  18. It could be my 2nd, 3rd, 4th,and 5th favorite bands that would be opening the show, and I'd still be looking at my watch every 5 minutes waiting for them to get off the stage. So my answer is.... no one.
  19. Roxie

    Robert and Maureen?

    I'm surprised there are so many pictures around of him and Audrey. This topic could get tricky by saying the wrong thing, but I am curious about their relationship. But a rockstar is a rockstar is a rockstar. We all know Robert has a good heart and loves his family. The road is the road is the road. I'm gonna stop repeating myself now.
  20. Roxie

    Pet Peeves

    1. When drivers change lanes in the middle of an intersection. Happened to me this morning, so that would be #1 for me right now. 2. When people pass by me and say "smile!". Perhaps I don't feel like it at this particular moment mmmmkay?
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