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Everything posted by Roxie

  1. If you watch the very end of this clip of Stairway from the 02 show, the butt is in full view and fine form.... and it looks like he's touching it. I think he KNEW where the camera was facing, and was teasing the ladies. Ha!
  2. It definitely does! I was watching some YouTube clips of him performing in Malta from earlier in 2007, and he looked a tad out of shape. But then you see him at the 02, and he looked fan-freaking-tastic. Plus he had his shirt tucked in which, in some cases - would've been not so complimentary, but he looked good!
  3. Yes - we definitely need a bigger version of that pic!
  4. I ordered it last week from Amazon UK. So far I haven't received anything yet. I'm not a fan of unauthorized books, but what the hell. Hopefully there will be some nice pictures.
  5. This pic suits this thread. Especially if you read the caption.
  6. I've been making everyone crazy at work with this Robert Plant "thing" I've got going on. My work computer has pics of him all around it (from this thread!), and my desktop wallpaper is quite yummy if I do say so myself: So far no one at work has complained, but I'll probably be fired tomorrow.
  7. Oh Sunray!! If you have this pic in color, I will love you forever.
  8. That's similar to where I work. My summer vacation is also being booked on this upcoming tour! LOL But I've already warned my boss that I'm taking the days off no matter what. I'm hoping the rest of the dates will be announced by the end of Feb or at least early March.
  9. Love it. He looks like he was pouty that day. But still hot.
  10. Whoa that was fast! Thank you Sunray!!
  11. Speaking of hot pics of Robert.... does anyone have the full photo of where this is from? This is my FAVE pic of him, and I'm looking for where this photo actually came from, preferrably in a larger size.
  12. As long as he doesn't LOOK like Robert, then it's all good.
  13. Oooh I love this one! I don't know why, I just do!
  14. I'm the same way. I preferred to see him with an open shirt, than shirtless. Although the snake pic...... as much as I hate snakes, if they're wrapped around a man like that - it's all good.
  15. But before we get sidetracked with his other parts, let's get back to the smile!
  16. Roxie

    Roberts Jeans

    Chell, this pic DEFINES this thread!
  17. courtesy of: www.wireimage.com
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