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Everything posted by Roxie

  1. Chell, keep posting those screen caps... they are the best!! I don't suppose you have any from the Earl's Court show or the 1977 tour do you? The video of him doing "The Battle Of Evermore" from Seattle '77 is my new fave. The very beginning is priceless with those smiles. I need to figure out how to make screen caps of that! See here --->
  2. Ohhh ok. I was thinking that site offered those as templates. I thought "wow, pretty cool site to have those to use!" Ha! Good choices though!
  3. :lol: The 2nd one especially looks real!! I checked out that site. I'm tempted to try out that Robert one.
  4. Thanks Miss H! But it's a bit strange that my avatar is his bum, and my sig is his um... "power". I didn't plan it that way!
  5. My fave is "Robert With The Tight Pants". There's another one I saw called "Who's sexier Jimmy Or Robert" which is pretty good. I tried to make one myself. It looked really good up until the end where it wasn't syncing with the music properly. So I got frustrated and gave up. LOL I need to go back and finish it though. Chell: that pic look GREAT as your avatar!
  6. I love the fact that he was wearing jewelery at the 02 gig. (Bracelets) But I couldn't really get a good look at them from the pics I've seen.
  7. That was my fave part too!
  8. Why is it that the 1st thing that came to mind when I saw this pic was that they look like husband and wife? It's cute though!
  9. Just found this on YouTube: Robert With The Flaxen Hair Click there --> Robert With The Flaxen Hair
  10. Ha! I know, there was a discussion about this topic recently, and I think the consensus was that yes - it probably did damn well hurt! Ahh the pain to be beautiful!
  11. Found this posted on one of the Zep groups on Facebook. It was posted by someone named Robin N. (<--- gotta give the credit). I don't think I've seen this one before:
  12. I thought I'd have a go: Robert channeling his inner Paul Stanley.
  13. :lol: I love this thread!!
  14. It's funny looking at his face. He's trying to put on his sexy face, but YOU KNOW he's thinking "OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH". The flower pics should be on the Caption Thread!
  15. It amazes me too. On Facebook there are so many groups dedicated to Robert and his "sexiness" that are mostly created by girls in high school!
  16. Chell.... exactly what I was looking for!
  17. I thought this was so funny when I read it. He's not old enough to be my grandpa, but he is old enough to be my father. Yikes! But I completely agree with you! Does anybody have some pics of Robert to share where he sometimes sticks flowers down his jeans? <--- That felt REALLY weird typing that! I'm too lazy to go through all the pages of pics on here.
  18. I love that pic too. Right now it's the screen saver on my cell phone.
  19. For awhile I thought he was left handed, because in most live pics I've seen, he seems to hold the microphone in his left hand. (I'm a lefty, and if I were a singer I would probably do that too). But then I've seen pics of him writing or signing autographs, and saw he was a righty.
  20. Arrgh.. I wish his hand wasn't in the way! There's that killer smile though!
  21. I need to make new desktop wallpaper out of this one!
  22. I think so! Aaahh King Robert. www.blingee.com - Good way to pass the time.
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