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Everything posted by Roxie

  1. So adorable! What other 60 yr old man can be described that way?
  2. Make It Right - Econoline Crush
  3. There's a hip hop band called Bomb The Bass who's song "Bug Powder Dust" has the following lyrics: Houses of the Holy like Jimmy Page But the song remains the same so I'm stuck in a rage
  4. Black Hole Sun - Soundgarden
  5. Can't really say I have a "favorite" mugshot, but this one's not bad considering it's um... a mugshot.
  6. The Lady Wore Black - Queensryche
  7. Damn... that's a beautiful one.
  8. Thanks for posting Melanie! Judging by the roll they're on - they are sure to win.
  9. Born To Be My Baby - Bon Jovi
  10. One Headlight - The Wallflowers
  11. Not so much. They split up quite a few years ago. The singer has a new band, the guitarist went into producing. The drummer plays in a cover band, and the bass player ended up joining Blue Man Group. Their album "Dig" will always be in my top all time favorite records.
  12. I mentioned this on the "What Are You Reading" thread, but has anyone else read Bill German's book "Under Their Thumb"? Some interesting personal stuff about the band and how the live shows worked.
  13. I followed him on there for a few days, but his "tweets" became overwhelming. Then his wife got on there, and he was "tweeting" even more! I had to remove him because it was ALL him on my page. But some of the pics that were posted either from him or his wife were pretty funny.
  14. Only My Heart Talking - Alice Cooper
  15. All RATT jokes aside I thought this was a pretty funny story. Stephen Pearcy from RATT talks about meeting Robert Plant. Also, just recently watched the RATT "Behind The Music" episode. Here's a screenshot from it. A teenaged Stephen Pearcy with Jimmy watching over.
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