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Everything posted by Roxie

  1. Out Of Space - The Prodigy
  2. Knowing I've got a 4 day weekend coming up in about 8 hours!
  3. I've noticed other drivers giving me weird looks while I've got "Round & Round" blasting out of my car on the drive to work. Wonder why??? Ha!
  4. ^ Axl was beautiful back in the day. Nevermind now with the corn rows and perma grin plastic surgery. Yikes! My fave Axl pic is from Rolling Stone where he's looking into a broken mirror. Must find that to post!
  5. Cry Me A River - Justin Timberlake
  6. I know I've got more, but these are the ones that stand out for me: 1. Being being pulled up on stage by Edwin of I Mother Earth and introduced to the crowd of 2000 because it was my friend and I's 60th time seeing them. (And being mentioned in the newspaper the next day!) 2. Nikki Sixx singing a line of a song directly to me at the Crue show in 2000. 3. Ozzfest 2000 - watching the majority of the bands from the side of the stage.
  7. I liked Fear Factory and Ministry back when... and NIN of course. I was also a big fan of Pitchshifter. Not sure if they'd be considered "industrial" though.
  8. Roxie


    Has Cadburys chocolate been mentioned on here yet? If not, it should be. One of my favorite things about England (besides the men) is the chocolate. I used to visit family in England once a year and loved all that stuff.
  9. An email this morning that made me laugh from one of my favorite people after a very depressing evening.
  10. In the new issue of US Weekly there's an article about Brad Pitt attending one of his shows. Who woulda thunk they were friends?!
  11. Blue Jean - David Bowie
  12. Roxie


    Nostalgia for me is reading my old journals and remembering the exciting life I used to have. Sigh........
  13. Little Fighter - White Lion
  14. Sweet Little Sister - Skid Row
  15. I'm definitely going to try. I know they're playing close to here sometime next week I think. Would love to see them.
  16. That's good enough for me! I'll probably watch it this weekend if I can get it. How can I call myself Canadian and not have seen it yet? So un-patriotic.......
  17. Round and Round.... what comes around goes around..........
  18. I've been a huge fan of Heart for a long time. I really want to see them live, but always seem to miss them for some reason. I really think they're underrated. Personally I think "Barracuda" and "Magic Man" are right up there with some of the great classic rock songs of all time. I still hope to catch them live sometime this year!
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