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Everything posted by Roxie

  1. Man... pretty soon it will just be the dove in the poster!
  2. Roxie

    Roberts Jeans

    Agreed! I love how Robert looks in an understated shirt and jeans. Especially the full page pic in the new Uncut magazine, and this one: Simple and sexy!
  3. Roxie

    Roberts Jeans

    Eyes? Where are his ey... oh wait, there they are.
  4. That does look very nice! I'll have to get me one of those.
  5. My other new favorite pic. lol
  6. Personally I think Photoshop is overrated. I found that out the hard way! I think you can do just as nice graphics and effects with other cheaper programs like Spacewoman demonstrates. This is by far my favorite that you've done so far!
  7. Well I've just found my new favorite pic!
  8. Well right now it's 7:52am and I'm at work, so obviously nothing has made me happy so far. But this past weekend I was very happy. The "classic rock" station was having a Zeppelin By Request, so they were playing them literally 5x an hour for the past 3 days. It was so refreshing to hear ALS and NQ instead of RAR and BD!
  9. I need to watch this movie again. It's one of my favorites, but the last time I saw it was before I became a Zep fan. So I missed all the Zep references, except for the "golden god" part.
  10. Nice! Here are some more:
  11. Wow! That would be cool to witness live. Even if it was just part of it. I heard it on the radio last night, and it was refreshing to hear.
  12. You never know... I heard him on the radio once mentioning how Zeppelin was his first concert, and how blown away he was by it, and how he was a huge fan.
  13. Just right-click on the pic and choose "set as desktop background". That should work.
  14. Bad quality scan of Robert from Uncut magazine. But I had to post it anyways because it's one of my faves:
  15. Uh oh... the pressure!
  16. I'm just testing these out as I make them. This one's kinda silly, but hopefully they'll get better once I figure out what I'm doing.
  17. Ahh Spacewoman, those are 2 of my favorites! But then again I think I say that with every pic. 2 completely different fashion styles, and he looks insanely hot in both!
  18. I read that Mirror story this morning too. I'm still laughing over it. If it had come out after Plant's tour with Alison was over (not when they've just started), then perhaps it would be a bit more credible. But even that's stretching things.
  19. Actually it was Lzfan715, but yes I agree, VERY nice one indeed.
  20. Had to post this. This is what Q107 has played so far during their Zeppelin By Request weekend. Zeppelin By Request Playlist
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