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Everything posted by Roxie

  1. Wow - I would never have guessed that was him! But he does look very lion-esque in that picture!
  2. Roxie

    Logan Plant 2006

    "Now son, hold the tambourine like this, and the girls will be swooning". Seriously though, looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree... nice!
  3. Such great pics... thanks for sharing!
  4. April 26, 2008 - Birmingham, Alabama Thank you to whoever put this up on YouTube!
  5. Thanks for the link Sunray! I've been passing the morning at work staring at them. This one is adorable!
  6. I know... I can't even look at it, I'll get nightmares.
  7. Here's one that I just quickly did of Jimmy. It turned out kind of scary actually.
  8. My 1st reaction was that he looked like Pete Townsend.
  9. More visuals... from 1986. Robert playing guitar
  10. No prob! But I'm really surprised that's the only footage of the tour on YouTube so far?
  11. If you look closely, you can see a mustache. At least I could - unless I need glasses. lol
  12. From the list I would say Immigrant Song, but as far as the 02 show goes, I don't think they could've picked a better opener than GTBT. Just listening to the first 10 seconds is heart stopping. I can only imagine what it would've been like to have been there, and to feel the anticipation from the crowd.
  13. If it was Robert, it would've been a FAR better picture.
  14. The guy's hair looks too light to be Jimmy's. Maybe he was a boyfriend of one of the girls in the picture?
  15. Found this where she talks about 'Stairway': Stairway to Heaven" (Jimmy Page/Robert Plant) It was a song I loved and a song that [husband] Carl loved. We used to love it together. To me, it's like "After the Goldrush." It's an abstract song. You really don't know what it means. It sounds Old World. On the last couple of albums, I did "Shine," "I Get a Kick Out of You" and "Traveling Prayer," so everybody is expecting me to do something "different" on this album, too. Well, I'm the only person to have the nerve to deal with classics. That's why I took it, ad-libbed it and made it more spiritual. I didn't do it just for the gimmick - my love for the song comes from a very real place. It's not just about making it work - it's about it really being a part of you. So I thought, "What the hey - I'm just going to go with it, and if it didn't turn out good, nobody would ever know I even tried it." I knew I was walking on sacred ground because it is a classic. But any time you make a change in lyrics or in my case the ad-libs, you have to get an OK from the writers and publisher. I was scared to death to send it to Robert Plant and Jimmy Page. They sent word back that it was fine and they loved it. In fact, Robert Plant said he'd always thought of it as a spiritual song, and he was thrilled we'd used a choir on it, because he thought about that, too. If they like it, that's most important to me. But I do hope the public will accept it too. I even hope they love it.
  16. WOW! That's an amazing collection you have there. My computer took forever to load it all - lol - but it was worth it to see all that.
  17. Gold! Acapulco gold! Seriously though... that's very cool you have that.
  18. I agree, he definitely is an extremely talented musician. I just wanted to clarify that I didn't make this thread to slag him at all... not in the least. I really am just curious to know what's attached to his jacket.
  19. Roxie

    Roberts Jeans

    Thank you! And thank you for Robert's Jeans! Ha!
  20. I'm just curious, and nothing against Jonesy at all, but what exactly is attached to the sleeves of this jacket? Onions? Christmas Decorations? Did the other guys say "John, that jacket is fantastic". photo credit goes to whoever posted this on the Hot Pics thread! I thought I'd post this one too... just because. Simple and sleek Jonesy. Photo credit again to whoever posted this on the Hot Pics thread!
  21. I stand corrected. Nice pics!
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