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Everything posted by Roxie

  1. I checked last week for this issue, but all I was able to find was the previous month's issue. Hopefully this week it will be out here in Canada. Thanks for posting the link Miss H! That's a great pic of him.
  2. My absolute favorite! I love watching this part during TSRTS. 2 Roberts....... please and thank you.
  3. Roxie

    Band Photos

    I just noticed that (after it was mentioned ) - too funny! But I would definitely agree !
  4. I'm curious to know what Robert did with all his jeans (the ones with the patches) from the 70's. Those things would be in fashion now. Maybe I'll just try to make a replica.
  5. It could be my 2nd, 3rd, 4th,and 5th favorite bands that would be opening the show, and I'd still be looking at my watch every 5 minutes waiting for them to get off the stage. So my answer is.... no one.
  6. Roxie

    Robert and Maureen?

    I'm surprised there are so many pictures around of him and Audrey. This topic could get tricky by saying the wrong thing, but I am curious about their relationship. But a rockstar is a rockstar is a rockstar. We all know Robert has a good heart and loves his family. The road is the road is the road. I'm gonna stop repeating myself now.
  7. Roxie

    Pet Peeves

    1. When drivers change lanes in the middle of an intersection. Happened to me this morning, so that would be #1 for me right now. 2. When people pass by me and say "smile!". Perhaps I don't feel like it at this particular moment mmmmkay?
  8. I've said it before, and I'll say it again - if Robert ever looked at me like this, I would surely
  9. Yeah, very strange considering Page and Plant came to Toronto quite a bit post Zep.
  10. I actually like the feel of the '77 tour, at least as far as what I've heard. I may be on my own here, but I much prefer 'Battle Of Evermore' live than on record (even though the lyrics were different at every show) Ha! Love the effects on "Achilles', and I prefer 'NQ' in 1977 than 1975. Vocally speaking anyways. 'NQ' is another one of those songs that I absolutely love live, but don't really listen to the studio version. It was a bit more up-tempo in '77 (IMO) and I love the effect on "babybabybabybabybaby" that Robert would ad-lib.
  11. It's 7am - I'm at work listening to 'Achilles Last Stand' loud with no one here. Fantastic.
  12. I was really impressed with Pearl Jam when I first saw them at Lollapalooza in 1992. I was a fan of theirs at the time, but I was more in a Soundgarden mode at that show. But during their set and afterwards I couldn't stop raving about how great they were live. But then the few times I saw them after that, I wasn't as impressed. I'm not sure if it was because my music tastes had changed by then, but I was completely bored with them after that - live and on record.
  13. Mine would be Def Leppard on April 13. I'm looking forward to it since I haven't seen them since 1995 and have pretty good seats.
  14. I wonder if that's the reason why Zep never played Toronto after that. (At least as far as I know).
  15. Good god, and I thought I had seen just about everything on YouTube! Apparently not.
  16. I tried to look for this today, but the bookstore still had the March issue on the stands. Apparently there's an interview with Plant in the new issue of Q Magazine too (with Madonna on the cover). Didn't see that one either.
  17. That was a younger pic of him when his hair wasn't as long. I've seen maybe 1 or 2 pics since then of him wearing some sort of hat, and it seemed like his hair was too thick that the hat would barely stay on his head, or it just looked awkward. But I do like the one in the avatar.
  18. I remember browsing on Amazon a few months back and finding Led Zeppelin women's sandals you can buy.
  19. I know this one's been posted before, but c'mon, who would complain about this being duplicated?
  20. Roxie

    Roberts Jeans

    Those SIBLY caps are BEAUTIFUL. Thank you Spacewoman!
  21. Wow, that one almost fit my entire screen! Thanks for posting it.
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