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Everything posted by Virginia

  1. So far, a nice, long walk in the sun, followed by wine Coming up: a relaxing evening of Farmville and Game of Thrones
  2. Very sweet movie, August Rush
  3. Thought of (well, actually, experienced) another after posting the other day. People who don't follow the laws of traffic when pushing their grocery carts (i.e. in the US; we stay to the right in the aisle).
  4. This version of this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9FNJW0XJhk
  5. Inconsiderate drivers, bad manners/incivility in general, and passive-aggressive Facebook posts.
  6. Great additions Deb and Pagemeister; glad to hear there's a new album coming! (hopefully a tour too!)
  7. Absolutely nothing productive. Feeling a bit under the weather today; been watching "Game of Thrones" all afternoon (still in Season I). Basketball later.
  8. My daughter really wants an English bulldog; she keeps sending / pinning bulldog puppy pics
  9. Recently saw this movie and it has a great soundtrack; several of the songs have been stuck in my head since. This one reminded me a lot of Glen Hansard, whose work I really love:
  10. Another (hopefully the last) snow day.
  11. The whole album; reminds me of 9th grade, and it still sounds amazing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iD5OSitv7zU
  12. Saw "August Rush". What a sweet film, and a lovely soundtrack. I think anyone who has always been passionate about music would enjoy this one. (Been on a bit of an Irish/musical kick with upcoming St. Patrick's Day...also rewatching "Once" and "The Commitments").
  13. 3 recently: 1) Admission (Tina Fey); love her, but this was sort of blah. 2) Fame (original); watched this a bunch of times in HS when it first came out, and hadn't seen it in years (maybe even since the 80s). It reminded me of why I've always loved the performing arts so much; such a great movie! 3) Match Point (2005/Woody Allen); very good film; not at all what I expected. I'm almost afraid to say more for fear of spoiling for anyone who hasn't seen.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxNkFwaEsZE
  15. Oh my gosh, how exciting!! It's been a long time!
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