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Everything posted by Virginia

  1. Just got back from a soccer game, they lost, but we had fun It was nasty hot though! We're getting ready to go prepare for youngest daughter's b'day party tomorrow!
  2. I took my 2 youngest kids to the local HS football game tonight. It was fun; our team lost badly but the kids had a good time. It's very rural; everyone knows everyone else My oldest daughter in HS was there too but went with friends.
  3. Virginia

    Last meal

    I would worm my way into Rao's with the family, and sample absolutely everything on the menu!!
  4. My title pretty much sums it up...plus event planner and accountant, too And DBZ, please don't worry. Many adults still aren't sure; or radically change directions mid- or late-career.
  5. I am a total nerd; I just set up a Catbook page for my cat
  6. Still missing LeRoi Moore http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=E_341FVawB4&...feature=related
  7. Aw, maybe it's her age though Your doggies are so cute! When ours was brought in to the SPCA, she had had a litter of puppies; one was still with her (it was adopted to another family). We adopted her and had her spayed right away, but she was still in mom mode. Our youngest daughter was about 6 months old at the time, so she and the cat have been her puppies
  8. They do get along well; our dog thinks she is the cat's mom. She is very docile and laid back and is getting pretty old; she is at least 10 (we got her from the SPCA, so we don't know how old she is). The cat is a bit of a spaz though He is 5; somehow yesterday I was thinking he was only 3. Time flies!
  9. I am a really good multitasker; I like to swim, ice skate, play tennis and parasail I love wooden roller coasters, but IMAX's make me very queasy I have a degree in International Relations.
  10. Blues, bagel, car, guitar, cat, London, both, both
  11. My sister just sent us a link about Catbook on Facebook . I hadn't seen that yet. I have a hard enough time keeping up with my own FB, let alone creating one for the cat!
  12. Virginia


    Yall please be careful and be safe!
  13. We have an elderly lab mix and a 3 year old cat. Our cat throws up occasionally; usually because he's eaten something he shouldn't, or because he has a hairball. He likes to eat Polly Pocket pieces, Easter grass, ribbon, stuff like that, so we have to be really careful about putting things away and restricting his access to that stuff. He is a total baby and a spaz; he was originally a farm cat, but hasn't been outside since we got him.
  14. Yuck; glad you got rid of them safely! I was happy because all 3 kids brought home excellent progress reports!!!
  15. In a nutshell, I was raised Catholic and practiced until about 7-8 years ago. A very liberal, Godspell-like Catholicism growing up. I became very disillusioned after the abuse scandals and on top of that couldn't find a parish locally that either was located conveniently nearby or wasn't sending out tithing letters But yet I feel I'm too Catholic to join a church of another denomination.
  16. I have faith and believe in Roman Catholic theology; however I'm not currently a practicing Catholic because I'm not on board with the organized religion part.
  17. I smoked briefly back in the 80s but have been smoke free since. Unfortunately too many family members have died or are currently suffering from smoking related cancers (throat, lung and head/neck). Smokeless tobacco can also cause oral cancer. I've never smoked a cigar and can't stand the smell, but I did smoke the occasional clove cigarette back then.
  18. She does some of everything (ballet, tap, modern/lyrical, jazz and hip hop). Jazz and hip-hop are her favorites though. I think it's wonderful that you are taking the class; enjoy!
  19. (Stream of consciousness...) The Doors, Never Mind the Bollocks Here's the Sex Pistols, Combat Rock, Slippery When Wet, Tommy, Ten (Pearl Jam), Joshua Tree, Frampton Comes Alive, Zenyatta Mondatta, Life's Rich Pageant
  20. I listened to them a lot in the 80s, when I was looking to fill the Zeppelin void (not quite the same, of course, but they weren't quite a hair band either). Admittedly haven't listened to them in quite a while, though.
  21. That sounds like such fun! I wish my daughters' dance school had classes for the moms; we aren't at the girls' level, but it would be fun to have an over 30 hip hop class
  22. Nope, sorry; I've seen the headline on CNN (and can tell from the url what it is...) and just can't bring myself to read the story.
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