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Everything posted by Virginia

  1. I'm assuming that if the band members (any combination thereof, including Jason) do get together again, it will be primarily because of that magical fifth element, and because they are feeling creative (as in producing new material) and are energized/joyful while playing together.
  2. Rap is not my thing at all, but my son was listening to "Mockingbird" alot there for a while, and I paid attention to the lyrics one day and realized Eminem is probably one of the most brutally honest songwriters I'd heard. "Lose Yourself" too. Very raw, personal stuff; I definitely give him credit for that.
  3. Go to "My controls" and then "Edit Profile information" and there's a space for your title
  4. Many years ago, I worked in an academic library for 6 months. Some books were titled in Russian, so I had to be able to translate the letters in the titles from cyrillic into English in order to shelve the books properly. I didn't actually learn to speak Russian, but in translating book titles I did learn some words
  5. Virginia


    I'm still puzzling over ping pong. It seems like more of an activity than a sport
  6. I ran a large special event at work and it went off beautifully
  7. I don't have Myspace. I do have Facebook, but I use it for work so I have very few contacts, and no pictures.
  8. Thank you for the link and very best wishes on the exhibit I wish I could go in person; but I am in Virginia
  9. I just got in a good 4 mile walk; had a home grown tomato, and am about to go get a haircut And the Jason Bonham news was pretty awesome too
  10. Wow; that's really exciting news!!
  11. Kiss' "Beth" with the orchestra in face paint
  12. I've heard it a bazillion times on our classic rock station; although they don't play Zeppelin quite as often as they used to.
  13. My son had been home sick Wed and Thurs with this sore throat/cold thing that's going around, and he was feeling much better today; went to school and played in a soccer game tonight And apparently has outgrown his cleats since last week How can that be?!
  14. "Secret"; give this song a try: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ln4eK6NEM-Y
  15. Sorry to be the bad memory bearer I had a really nasty pair of red, white and blue plaid, bell bottomed, hip hugger Toughskins. I swear. There's a picture but I'm not posting it!
  16. We wore Toughskins from Sears back then
  17. I was looking at the Sept "Vanity Fair" mag last weekend, and in looking at the clothing ads, it appears the designer fashion tide has turned back to the sixties; sort of a hybrid of mod and summer of love. Although the ads don't necessarily reflect what real people actually wear.
  18. I spent a lot of time studying French existentialists/absurdists (Camus, Sartre, Beckett, Ionesco...) in college. I can't say I favor them, but I could probably still write a paper on them 25 years later.
  19. My K and 1st teachers in the really early 70s were older ladies, probably my grandmother's generation; very proper. From 2nd on, most of them were younger than my parents. I can't think of any that were mean; a handful were really special and the rest were still pretty decent. I don't remember discussing music with teachers; just with friends. My wardrobe in the 70s evolved from Cindy Brady - Mod Squad - Preppie Handbook - Grateful Dead
  20. I didn't see it mentioned on the blog; I could be overlooking it but maybe that part was pulled?
  21. I am so very sorry for your loss; my thoughts are with you and your family.
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