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Everything posted by Virginia

  1. Oh my goodness; what a cutie pie!!
  2. That's one of the reasons I left, too.
  3. Not for the lyrics, but I've always thought the guitar solo in the Cult's "Love Removal Machine" sounded very Jimmy-ish, esp. the second solo at the end:
  4. I have a good impression of him, although I lean more to the left on some issues. He is a conservative Democrat, and is a very hands-on Governor; he gets out with the people a lot. He is personally conservative on moral/personal issues, but has understood the need to legislate in the other direction at times, which he has done, and I admire that. Like many others, our state is preparing to make some cuts right now. I would want to learn more about their plan for foreign policy.
  5. There is talk in VA about our Governor Tim Kaine being on Obama's short list: http://www.centerforpolitics.org/crystalba...d=LJS2008072901
  6. Or a group of bored kids, trying to get a rise out of someone
  7. 'Yall might not agree, but when we watched the "Fantastic Four Part 2/Silver Surfer", Chris Evans, the Flame guy, reminded me a little of a young Jimmy (although you have to imagine the hair and wardrobe, lol). I couldn't find still photos where the resemblance came through, but I did find some You Tube clips. I think he has the walk down pretty good ... : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RdU6xmfjnk
  8. I had a conversation with a friend recently about drummers who sing, and I could only think of a couple. I would have to go with Don Henley: (this one for the drumming) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pmnX4wHMFM and: (this one for the singing) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmbJFIhs2lk
  9. Oh, this entire series about a CIA agent would be awesome!! I can't figure out who should play Mitch, the lead character, though. Has anyone else read the series?
  10. Oh, I know it's a good thing; I was just expecting it to be either second semester or next summer, since she is only still 14. But she'll need to be 15.5 to get her learner's, and 16 and 3 months to get her license, so she has plenty of time to practice. Your daughter must have played hard today!
  11. I never thought about it, or music at all, to be honest. I think with my first, the Cowboys/Redskins game was on
  12. Not sure if I'm happy or what (stunned maybe?) ... my oldest daughter got her schedule today and she's in DRIVER'S ED first semester I thought that would come later ... she's not quite 15 yet but will be in 10th. But she is certainly happy!
  13. I don't know that I could pick just one, but my top 3 would be Love Actually, The Sound of Music and Star Wars. Honorable mention to Peter's Friends, Bridget Jones' Diary (I) and Dirty Dancing
  14. Hee hee; I had posters of Mark Hamill all over my room when Star Wars came out! (I just realized that Star Wars was released during Zeppelin's '77 tour...putting it in that context it sure has been a long time).
  15. I hope everyone will be ok!
  16. Desert island = reggae; I would need some Bob Marley! "Live" or "Burnin" if we can't do live albums.
  17. Aww!! I think we need pictures! And happy birthday to your daughter!!
  18. Oh how wonderful!! Congratulations; I can't wait to see pics!!
  19. Awesome! I really never win anything, so I was very happy!
  20. I won a small prize on a radio call in show this morning
  21. Aw, I loved Peter Frampton! But sadly I was too young to see him live in the mid 70s, so I saw him about 15 years later.
  22. I think it is all very subjective. Some people can tell the worst jokes around me and I'll think it's hilarious; but another person telling the same joke but giving off a bad vibe would make me uncomfortable. I have never experienced being called "honey", "sweetie" etc. by coworkers or bosses. I've probably had it a few times from customers, but none ever made me uncomfortable. I've appreciated "I like that outfit" or "nice hairdo" comments because I know the people saying them meant them kindly and not in a creepy way. It's rare for me to get an "allergic reaction" to someone, but it does happen occasionally, and when it does, I just steer clear.
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