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Everything posted by Virginia

  1. I haven't caught them yet; hope they come a little closer to VA!
  2. Yessss! http://mashable.com/2015/11/10/the-cure-tour-dates/#4Ays1rE7p8qO
  3. I fell asleep listening to Pandora last night and this woke me up around 2am; I really enjoyed it!
  4. So excited...Glen Hansard with Richard Thompson on Nov 28/DC!
  5. Thank you all for the birthday wishes! It was a great day; I had a lovely outdoor lunch with family in the mountains (plenty of fall foliage and a gorgeous fall day!)! Kiwi, thank you; that's their best one! Strider, me too; the UVa/VT game should be interesting next month. Keep an eye on JMU in VA; they are on ESPN Game Day this weekend. They are the one (only?) team in state that's undefeated and giving the state something to be excited about!
  6. I'm more likely to sing in the kitchen than the shower, but this one:
  7. The trifecta...majorly stuck in my head; singing/humming it in the shower (and in the kitchen) and very misheard lyrics (no idea whatsoever). Meant to add Yellow Ledbetter, didn't mean to add Black but I can't delete it.
  8. RIP Gary Richrath of REO Speedwagon http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/14/entertainment/gary-richrath-reo-speedwagon-dies-feat/index.html
  9. Just saw this today and thought it was really interesting. I'm not a musician or songwriter but I am fascinated by how music is created (and I really enjoy that album; it was one of the first I ever bought). How Steely Dan Created Deacon Blues http://www.wsj.com/articles/how-steely-dan-created-deacon-blues-1441727645
  10. Lately this is playing on the radio every time I get in the car!
  11. Watched it last night and thought it was really great! Thanks for the suggestion!
  12. Wait...did you say Colin Firth?! Ok I'm definitely watching!!
  13. I am laughing at how terrible this video is; at the time I thought it was alright!
  14. Thank you both for the suggestions; that should keep me busy for a while! Tinker, Tailor has come up as a Netflix suggestion but I didn't know anyone who'd seen it before.
  15. Despite not liking Tom Cruise, I watched the MI series over the summer, and MI5 the other week, and I did really enjoy the series. He does amazing stunts, and 5 had phenomenal action scenes. I've also enjoyed the ensemble casts/cameos throughout. I wasn't crazy about the humor in 5 though; it broke my concentration if that makes sense. I had also recently watched the Bourne Legacy and it was a little odd/distracting that Jeremy Renner was in both, since they are sort of rival series. (Any good spy movie recommendations? I've seen all the Bond and Clancy films too).
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