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Chien Noir

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Posts posted by Chien Noir

  1. Lurking around the forums for some time being unregistered, I decided it was time to join in.

    I can't remember why, but I didn't feel like using my usual nickname this time. So I decided to pick something related to the band, but not something like the army of JimmyPages or ZoSo's or whatever. Then I remembered my French lessons on high school and the result is simply the French translation of one of my fave songs' name.

  2. Gah. I want to drink something---shall it be beer or wine?


    Well, on high school, we had a so-called Summer Sport Course which took place in May or june, not sure. Well, the students were allowed to drink occassionally (lots of us were already 18 at the time) but they had a limit of one glass per person, so they invented a thing called Beerwine (rough translation) which was literally a mixture of beer and wine. Don't know how it tasted since I wasn't allowed to go on that course (had a dispute with our sports professor at the winter sport course) but if you want, you can try it ;)

  3. Well, the song Black Dog is great, Chien Noir means black dog, so . . .

    It was a compliment!


    Heh, sorry for my sluggish mind but I'm too long awake, its 6:43 AM here (cant sleep at night for like...a week)

    Yeah, I chose that forum nick deliberately, one of few things I remember from my French lessons at high school (most of them I spent sleeping :rolleyes:

  4. Huh. Just finished my browsing through this entire topic. Being insomniac (well, not exactly insomniac, the thing is, I sleep at day and stay awake at night :rolleyes:) a bit.

    Guess it'd be appropriate to throw my fifty cents in, too.

    Well, here comes one of the recent additions to this forum


    Taken at Christmas Eve.

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