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feather in the wind

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Posts posted by feather in the wind

  1. hmm, i am not sure i like this idea. Jason should just leave Led Zeppelin alone and not try to revice it, and probably not as well.

    I'm getting a little tired of Jason milking this 'experience cover tou' because he is a Bonham? so what? that doesn't make him Led Zeppelin.

    my 0.02

  2. What do you all think of Siobhan? She's been compared to Adam Lambert. I'm not that crazy about the theatrical singing style personally, but she does have a very powerful voice.

    i don't know who said she compares to adam, but i don't think so at all. she can SCREAM, that's about all, she can't hit those notes nicely when she SCREAMS either.

    i think Krystal compares way more to adam than siobahn, or however u spell her name.

    but to compare sibhan's SCREAMING to adam's CONTROLLED high notes is way wrong, she's not that good either.

    my 0.02

  3. i found this bit of information.

    And the days keeps on worryin' me,

    there's a hellhound (1) on my trail,

    hellhound on my trail, hellhound on my trail

    -Robert Johnson

    (1) Note 1: According to the Webster online dictionary a hellhound is a "dog of hell, named Cerberus in Greek and Roman mythology, the three-headed dog guarding the gate of Hades". It will probably stay a secret for all times what Robert exactly meant by the hellhound, but the image of the hounds of hell, coming to seize sinners, was often used in southern churches.

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